Every time I try to workout, she is right there with me, rolling around like a madwoman. If I'm doing sit-ups, she's on my chest, if I'm doing push-ups, she's rubbing against my face, and if I'm planking, she's right underneath my boobs.
So helpful, that one.
Tonight, I'm in Omaha with my sister, and since both of us are getting our butts kicked with Abs in April, we decided to plank together.
Fifty seconds + burning abs = quality sister time.
I'm feeling a lot better today than I was yesterday, but I'm still not feeling perfect. After last night's post, one of my friends emailed me and told me that Fifth Disease was going around, and after doing some research with the CDC (I sound super scientific and legit, huh?), I think that's totally what I have.
This totally bums me out. While it sounds like I'm not contagious anymore since I'm in the rash stage, I'm going to keep myself away from my nephew tomorrow -- just in case. It just might kill me.
Nothing super exciting happened today. (No news is good news, I suppose.) After work, I headed home to pack, ran some errands (gas station, grocery store, Juice Company), rocked out on a really nice road trip with my sister, and cooked us dinner in Omaha. Now we're just waiting for our parents to come home from their wild and crazy social event to spend time with their out-of-town children. Wahhhhhhhhh.
Breakfast: I totally spaced on taking a photo, but you've seen it before: Blueberry Scrambled Eggs. Yum.
Because I was too busy being a lazy, sick bum last night and made Paleo Oatmeal instead of "real" dinner, I didn't have any leftovers. So, while I was making my Blueberry Scrambled Eggs this morning, I also whipped up a mix of sweet potato, jalapeno, avocado, and chicken sausage to bring for lunch. As always, it was delicious.
Snack: I ate lunch at 10:45 today (darn school schedule), and I knew it would be a while before I would eat dinner because I had to wait for my sister to get to Des Moines and then for us to drive to Omaha. So, I grabbed a green juice from The Juice Company and ate one of the Simple Squares I got from Campbell's yesterday:
Here are the ingredients: organic cashews, organic almonds, organic honey, organic unsweetened coconut, organic vanilla, sea salt, organic ginger. It was amazing, and I know I'll be grabbing some more for when I need a quick somethin' somethin' and am tired of Larabars. (They will also be perfect for traveling, so I'm sure I'll stock up before St. Louis next weekend and Atlanta later this month.)
I knew that my parents had something going on tonight and my sister and I would likely be on our own for dinner, so before I left for Omaha, I ran to Dahl's to grab some shrimp, and I packed that with some asparagus, garlic, and crushed red chilies to take with us.
When we got to Omaha, I set to cooking, and about 10 minutes later, dinner was ready. (We also stole some Brussels sprouts side-dish concoction from my parents' fridge. I think it was basically Brussels sprouts and caramelized onions, but I'm not sure. Hopefully it was Whole30-approved; it was definitely delicious.)
As always, my Chili-Garlic Shrimp was awesome -- and Whole30- and Erin-approved. :)
I'm off to chill for a bit -- and hopefully get 100% better overnight so that I can cuddle a baby. Please cross your fingers for me!
I hope you all have a lovely Friday night! Stay tuned for Five Favorites bright and early tomorrow!

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