I saw this post on Carrots 'n' Cake and thought it might be fun to share with y'all, too -- especially because I'll soon be training for my next big race (half marathon? marathon?) with the kids!
Best Run
For this, I have two answers: my first 15-mile run and Dam to Dam 2012.
My first 15-mile run was not necessarily my best run because it was the first time that I had run that far in my life but rather because it was literally the best my girl Jori and I had run -- ever. We started at Roosevelt and headed downtown via Ingersoll and ran straight to the fairgrounds and back. Jori and I ran nearly the entire time (we usually take liberal walk breaks), and we both felt like we could continue the run for a couple more miles. It was great.
Dam to Dam was the second time that I felt so accomplished. First, I trained for this race largely on my own. Sure, I would find a friend to run with every now and again, but it was mostly just me. Second, it was the second time that I ran nearly the entire time. Although, as you can see in my race recap, the running ended with 200 meters to go: I got sick. Still, however, I was so proud of myself.
Three Words that Describe My Running
My Go-To Running Outfit
No one ever told me how darn expensive running is. I guess I thought I could just go out in sweatpants, a tank top, and some tennis shoes and do just fine. I'm sure I could -- for a mile or so. But if I want to go on a "real" run, I have some necessities:
Obviously, I need a good pair of running shoes. If you are even considering running more than a block, please please please go get fitted for a good pair of shoes, talk to someone who actually knows running, and shell out some dough for the ones that will work best for you. I'm on my second pair of Asics GT2000s (the 2170s, to be exact), and I love them. I have a lot of foot issues, specifically in regards to tendonitis and residual effects from a horrible sprain, and these minimize those injuries extraordinarily.
In addition to good shoes, I also need good socks to ward away as many blisters as possible. The best ones I've found so far are from Nike.
I have to wear super-fitted spandex capris and a tank top with as little fabric as possible. A good sports bra is also a must, but I don't have good recommendations as to amazing big-boob bras, as I'm still trying to find one myself.
I also must have a headband, especially if I'm running a long race. I buy a new Bondi Band at each expo: iRun, One Hot Mess, Twins (like the baseball team, written in rhinestones), and 26.2. These are good for a.) keeping the sweat out of my eyes, and b.) keeping my ears warm before a race.
Finally, I need to have my Spibelt, my Garmin, my hand-stamped bracelet and necklace, and a cute pair of bling-y stud earrings. (Yes, I know I'm crazy.)
Quirky Habit While Running
I never noticed I did this until I was running in northern Illinois one day and passed a woman who gave me a thumbs up. I was like, what? Do I look like I'm dying (cuz I'm definitely not running fast...)?
Nope. Not the case.
Apparently I run with my thumbs up. It's really important to have relaxed hands, and for me, that means I'm constantly giving people a thumbs-up, I guess.
Oh well. Better than flippin' 'em the bird.
Morning, Mid-Day, or Evening
I like getting my runs out of the way. (Wow, sure sounds like I loooooooove running, huh?) I feel like I don't get much motivation after I bum around, eat breakfast, clean the house, watch TV, etc. If I'm going to get out there, it'd better be right away.
I Won't Run Outside When It's...
Late at night.
I have no problems running in the dark if it's at 6:00 a.m. But once 9:00 rolls around, there is no way I'm heading out for a run. I made this mistake when I was running with some kiddos who were fasting during Ramadan and had no choice but to run (and fuel) after sundown. We headed out for a 12-mile run, and while I thought I had planned a route that was well-lit, it turns out that Des Moines is pretty much pitch-black (and scary!) after dark.
No way am I doing that again.
Worst Injury -- and How I Got Over It
Well, this would have to be the tendonitis that prohibited me from running the marathon in 2011. After that glorious 15-mile run, I became quite injured and just could not make the other long runs happen. I went to a lot of physical therapy, used kinesiotape, ultrasound, and e-stim, and then in the end just had to rest. A lot.
I Felt Most Like a Badass Mother Runner When...
Mags and I finished the Gladiator Assault Challenge a year ago.
Running more than five miles up and down the ski slopes in Boone, shimmying under barbed wire, climbing cargo nets, scaling slippery embankments, traversing tires and endless trails, and climbing cliffs was so freakin' hard and so freakin' awesome.
I was bloodied, bruised, and battered beyond belief, and all of it was oh, so worth it.
Running Goal for 2013
- Finish Dam to Dam (since it's in seven weeks and I haven't really started training)
- Run two half marathons (Minneapolis and Des Moines)
- Run one half marathon (Minneapolis) and one full marathon (Des Moines)
BUT, I just don't know if I can do that to myself again either physically or mentally. We'll see.
Next Race Is...
The Glow Run. My next real race, however, is Dam to Dam.
What are your running goals for this year? If you enjoyed reading through my survey, answer the questions yourself, link back, and let me know!

Woo hoo! Loved this post. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that YOU convinced me to run Dam to Dam last year! Running has changed me so much and done wonders for me physically and mentally.
I think we're gonna do Glow Run... And I'm also doing the Drake Relays 10k, Exile Run (10k) and then all the fun stuff with See Us Run! So pumped!