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I started off this morning with a ginger snap Larabar - but totally forgot to take a picture. Oops. It's totally my favorite flavor, though, so if you haven't tried it yet, do it now.
Also, I forgot to take a picture of my lunch. Double oops. I was so preoccupied with work that I just straight-up spaced it off! But, I finished up my vegetarian enchilada and mango rice from Dos Rios - it was so good and definitely what I'm ordering next time!
Today's lesson was pretty fun. After doing the requisite journaling, vocab, and grammar activities (differentiated, of course), we did a Freedom Writers activity to review for our quiz on Wednesday: Froot Loop Bingo. I stopped at the store before work this morning and picked up three huge boxes of cereal - as well as two honey crisp apples and a bag of baby carrots for snacking. :)
The kids were diligently creating their own Bingo cards - so excited to learn. :)
We had our PROUD meeting after school today, and it went fabulously. We have a couple of new members who will be tremendous assets to the group. One of them is a leader in the NAACP and has excellent contacts and ideas for PROUD. I can't wait for it to get more underway.
I didn't get home until around 5:30 today because I first had to try and finish up the project from this weekend - doesn't look like it's going to happen before the "due date" - and then I went to the grocery store. It must've been awhile because I was totally out of food! I was very proud of myself because I was only two cents over my guess-timated total - first time ever! :)
I had all intentions of going to the Y this evening for another kick-butt abs/back class followed by yoga, but I just couldn't do it. I was absolutely wiped from the day, I hadn't cooked dinner, and I just didn't have two hours to kill. So...I stayed home and made spring rolls, all the while watching Dancing with the Stars.
I started by chopping the veggies and the tofu, picking basil leaves from my pretty window plant, and arranging everything neatly on the plate:
Doesn't it just look so fresh and pretty?! After all of that was done, I put out all of the supplies for my assembly line:
There are a couple of bad things about making spring rolls: first, it takes forever, and second, it dirties a lot of dishes. If you don't already know, I'm not a fan of dish-washing. Before I started this process, my sink was empty save for my Tupperware from lunch, but now it's jam-packed full of spring roll stuff. Bummer.
Notice that it looks suspiciously like a dining room table under the assembly line... That's because...it is! I moved my "cooking" to the dining room so that I could watch the two-hour season premier. And it was fabulous.
All done prepping, and this is what I'm left with:
Enough spring rolls to last me awhile! Surprisingly, I only ate three for dinner - and this was after waiting until 8:30 to eat. Usually I eat at least four! I really wasn't hungry today, I guess. Oh well - now I have plenty for lunch tomorrow, enough to share, and probably still some left over for dinner at Tuesday Team Trivia! Yum.
Thank you for the great memoir suggestions - unfortunately, I can't do Tuesdays with Morrie, as that is a tenth-grade book, and the social studies teacher is already using The Last Lecture with his classes... I'm not a huge David Sedaris fan (I know, I know), but maybe I'll check into some of his stuff regardless.
Also, no "Today's Grand Total" tonight... Aside from the Larabar, I'm not sure the totals of anything I ate. I'm guessing the veggie enchilada was not the best for me, despite not having too much cheese, but I'm sure the spring rolls weren't too bad. I guess they cancel each other out. :)
G'night, y'all!
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