The definition of
class? Blow-drying the sweat out of your hair and caking on the deodorant, therefore making you look and smell somewhat reasonable prior to going somewhere in public. Basically, this is me on a day-to-day basis. Just thought you'd like to know. :)
This morning was rough. I was so tired, probably because I was able to finally catch up on sleep over the three-day weekend. I'm pretty sure I spent more time preparing breakfast this morning than I did in the shower - that's how much I concentrated on what I put in the Green Monster:
I layered it with UVAB (my breakfast
staple), two huge handfuls of spinach, the rest of my blueberries, vanilla protein powder, frozen banana, a quick drizzle of honey, and a glob of dark chocolate peanut butter. I blended for what seemed like way too long - I think something's going on with my appliance... - and came out with this:
Please disregard the kitty. The morning - well, and the afternoon, evening, and middle of the night - is our time together, where he is pretty much attached to me.
For lunch I packed leftovers from last night. I have to say, it was a little better hot off the press than it was cold for lunch...
I also heard plenty about how it made my room smell a little less-than-pleasant. Oops. I also ate a cookie that I forgot to tell you about... I made these yesterday, adapted from
Tina's recipe: Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies. Shockingly, they aren't too bad for you, they are super easy, and they taste ah-maze-ing. However, I think I'm going to bring the rest to my guys at school tomorrow - they can eat them all so that I don't! (The pictures turned out horribly... I'll try to get a better one tomorrow.)
After school, I munched on some carrots and then ate a
Chocolate Coconut Larabar. It was delish, as usual. I can't get enough of those things!
I then went on a solo walk through the cemetery. I discovered that it's a lot less creepy when I have a friend with me... I think I just psyched myself out - not necessarily because it's a cemetery, but more so because it's HUGE and absolutely void of people. I'm not kidding you: as I rounded a corner, I got accosted by a dog and about crapped my pants. Turned out his owner was just a few feet away, but I was scared beyond belief. Plus, the cemetery is literally so big that you can get lost in the mazes of its pathways. But, I wanted to go and get some pics (just scroll to the bottom if you wanna skip the pics and read about the rest of my day):
The gate to the cemetery - Woodland and MLK. |
The Hubbell Catacomb - over 50 underground crypts. You can see the winding staircase if you peek through the door... |
I really like the saying on this tombstone... |
There are several carvings throughout the cemetery - on the path I took today, though, this is the only one I saw. |
Amidst many soldiers' graves, there was this one - to the unknown dead. |
A cannon in the soldiers' section of the cemetery. |
Just an overall view - I wish I could capture how truly beautiful it is. |
Steps leading up a small hill - I wonder if that's someone's name? |
One of several mausoleums throughout the cemetery - if you look through the doors, you can see where people are buried in the walls. Very interesting... |
I thought this was really interesting - the St. Ambrose portion of the cemetery. It was REALLY old. |
The cemetery is SO old - some tombstones are sinking into the ground, others are toppling over, and some are breaking in half. |
I love equal-armed crosses. |
I'm not sure what this is - a mausoleum built into the ground? |
SO interesting. This is the "City Receiving Vault." Way back when, when people died in the winter, they stored the bodies here until the ground thawed. |
I thought this mausoleum and the wreath on the door were absolutely beautiful. |
This statue just gets to me every time - it looks over the infant cem |
This little figurine is in front of the infant cemetery's marker (above picture). |
Sorry for all the pictures - I just really love it there and am hoping to convey its serenity, beauty, and peacefulness to you. It's quickly become one of my favorite places to walk around, spend time.
After the cemetery walk, I headed to soccer practice, which was tons of fun as always - even though I rubbed my heel raw...oops (and ow). I'm getting really excited for the season, as I think the team is going to be pretty good - especially for never having played together before!
Then came the blow-drying sweat out of hair, caking on deodorant; after all, it's Tuesday Trivia!!! Prior to heading to the Social Club, I stopped at Subway for a flat bread turkey sandwich. At just under 400 calories, it was the perfect meal to satiate my post-workout hunger. I chugged the Nalgene as well. Despite not thinking we did well at all this evening, we started off September in third place! Hopefully we'll bring our "A" game next week.
I am super, super, SUPER tired right now, so I'm going to hit the sack. Wish me a sound night of sleep so that I can make it through tomorrow in one piece!
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