And I loved every second of it.
The weekend started with a killer CrossFit workout with the guys after school: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 50 squats -- all of which were repeated five times. We cut the workout a bit short (not really sure why) and did two full sets and two "half" sets. During the squat portion, I used a 25-pound kettlebell for each set, aside from the second full set. And during the last half set, I used a more difficult resistance for the pull-ups.
So, despite us "taking the 'easy way' out," I challenged myself quite a bit.
After the workout I headed home and ate my leftover sushi. (How gross does that sound?!) And then I sat down to read approximately half of The Poisonwood Bible. We are reading that in one of my classes this year, and I am so glad we assigned it: it is definitely one of my all-time favorite books. Wow.
About halfway through my voracious reading, I was craving ice cream something fierce. I actually changed into real clothes and was going to head to Dairy Queen when I remembered I had vanilla ice cream in the freezer. So, I put together a couple scoops of that, a spoonful of almond butter, and a sprinkling of dark chocolate chips, and it was just perfect.
I read a little bit more and was in bed by about 11:30 or so. It was a perfect night.
And because it was such a chill night, I was up on Saturday around 8:00 ready to rock and roll. (Well, that's a bit of an overstatement. I was up around 8:00 but still a bit groggy, likely from too much sleep.)
BFF and I headed to breakfast, where I had a super greasy western skillet: potatoes, eggs, onions, peppers. I also had a couple pieces of wheat toast and a couple glasses of coffee. Mmmmm.
After, it was time for my See-Us Run Des Moines mentor meeting. We start training (pre-conditioning) on April 10th, and I am sooooooooo excited. I have coerced a few more friends into being mentors this year, and I am so excited for them to love it as much as I do.
While I was supposed to volunteer with the Girl Scouts (on my honor I will try...), but apparently they were stock full of volunteers, so I stayed home and read, read, and read. Immediately after setting down The Poisonwood Bible, I picked up Tina Fey's book, Bossypants.
I've heard nothing but great things about this book, I think Tina Fey is hilarious, and I love memoirs. That being said, I'm more than halfway through the book and am just not loving it. Her writing cracks me up in movies and on TV shows, but I'm just not digging the actual writing.
Saturday night, I headed to a colleague-friend's wedding reception and had a lovely time. I am always so happy when other people are happy.
Also, I thought I looked pretty good. That helps, too.
After the reception I joined one of my friends and his wife (and two other couples) at the Faculty Lounge concert. I was not really in the mood to be the fifth (seventh?) wheel, nor was I drinking; so, I decided to head home quite early.
And that takes us to Sunday. Are you still reading? Great.
I woke up bright and early for a 9:00 a.m., seven-mile run with one of my favorite running friends, CD. We started off pretty strong, but I knew it wasn't going to last: my foot was killing me. I would say we did a pretty solid job for the first three miles, a pretty crappy job for the next couple, and a really not-so-wonderful job for the last couple.
Oh well: it was really, really great to catch up with CD. (Hey, girl!)
When I got home, I immediately iced my foot and then hopped in the shower because I had brunch plans with CM, a friend I had not seen in far too long. We headed to Americana (yum) and then hit up West End Salvage to find some treasures. Enjoy.
I found lots of weapons: machetes, pitchforks, spears, and this Captain Hook hook. Don't I look like a scary pirate? Also, those are my Seven for All Mankind jeans - you know, the ones I bought as motivation. I've lost a total of 15 pounds (and could still stand to lose a few for those to look spectacular). But I'm pretty excited.
I also found a beautifully painted wooden kitty box? tray? figurine? I would've bought it (likely for my friend AM) if it didn't cost $26. You read that correctly: twenty-six dollars.
I also found a Ronald McDonald lamp. Yep: he lights up. Also, for some unknown reason, he has a hole in his mouth. It is so weird.
Finally, I really kind of want the Willy Wonka couch. Does anyone have $900 to spare?
After lurking around four floors of the salvage shop (without buying anything), CM and I headed to Flanagan's patio for some day-drinking with BFF and Mr. Shawesome. After the week of drinking also known as spring break, I decided that I was not going to partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages until after my half marathon on May 6th.
Well, that lasted eight days.
This looked too refreshing to pass up:
Plus, it was approximately 150 degrees outside. Don't worry: I just had one "concoction" and guzzled approximately 8,000 glasses of water.
After an afternoon of baking in the sun, BFF and I headed out west for our weekly errand excursion and then to another friend's house for dinner (omg delicious appetizers and Big Tomato pizza) and Game of Thrones. I've never seen the show, but it sounds veryconfusing interesting.
Finally, we arrive at Monday.
Still with me? You get a gold medal for suffering through this post.
It took every ounce of energy to crawl out of bed this morning. Yesterday was go-go-go-go-go, and I feel like every time I moved in my sleep, I woke up due to my foot screaming at me. So, I finally rolled out of bed at 6:40 a.m., took a quick shower, and headed to school, where I had a great day.
For lunch, I whipped up a super fast salad, again inspired by CABCO's Colossus Salad:
I don't know what the deal was, but it just didn't taste that great. I think maybe there was too much hummus and tzatziki, not enough balsamic (as in, not any balsamic). I really don't know.
I left early, though, for a doctor's appointment. He x-rayed my foot (no fracture) and then proceeded to tell me that he didn't think it was a big deal, that I probably shouldn't run for a while, and that I should take my preferred anti-inflammatory and ice it a lot.
Thanks, Doc.
Well, I didn't run today, but I did head to the gym for an hour of spinning. I biked exactly 23 miles in 60:23, and it was a great workout. I was drenched in sweat and feeling pretty darn good. I did, however, skip the abs class that I was going to take because I got starving in the middle of spinning.
At home, I chugged a glass of milk while I was cooking dinner - and then wasn't really hungry for real food. Interesting.
Side note: I am not a huge milk drinker. For some reason it's been grossing me out a bit over the past several months (likely thanks to Skinny Bitch). Lately, however, I have been craving it like crazy. I had to run to the store after dinner today and even bought a small thing of chocolate milk that I guzzled in approximately seven seconds.
What. the. heck.
Dinner was a recipe I found on my mom's blog: garlicky shrimp (courtesy of Real Simple). As Mama said, the recipe really was real simple. And, it was real delicious. I will definitely be making this again - likely when I need to "wow" someone. (Not like that's in my future anytime soon, but I digress.)
I figured I had had enough vegetables at lunch (and really just was not feeling them tonight), so I served up the garlicky shrimp over brown rice with a side of naan. Again: yum.
Before I sign off for the evening (and pass out), I have to talk about the temperature. It has been so ungodly hot (for April, at least) the last couple of days. The air conditioner has not yet been installed, and despite having every single fan in my apartment going on full blast, the cats have been the epitome of lethargic:
While I was supposed to volunteer with the Girl Scouts (on my honor I will try...), but apparently they were stock full of volunteers, so I stayed home and read, read, and read. Immediately after setting down The Poisonwood Bible, I picked up Tina Fey's book, Bossypants.
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Saturday night, I headed to a colleague-friend's wedding reception and had a lovely time. I am always so happy when other people are happy.
Also, I thought I looked pretty good. That helps, too.
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Totally my new favorite dress. |
And that takes us to Sunday. Are you still reading? Great.
I woke up bright and early for a 9:00 a.m., seven-mile run with one of my favorite running friends, CD. We started off pretty strong, but I knew it wasn't going to last: my foot was killing me. I would say we did a pretty solid job for the first three miles, a pretty crappy job for the next couple, and a really not-so-wonderful job for the last couple.
Oh well: it was really, really great to catch up with CD. (Hey, girl!)
When I got home, I immediately iced my foot and then hopped in the shower because I had brunch plans with CM, a friend I had not seen in far too long. We headed to Americana (yum) and then hit up West End Salvage to find some treasures. Enjoy.
I found lots of weapons: machetes, pitchforks, spears, and this Captain Hook hook. Don't I look like a scary pirate? Also, those are my Seven for All Mankind jeans - you know, the ones I bought as motivation. I've lost a total of 15 pounds (and could still stand to lose a few for those to look spectacular). But I'm pretty excited.
I also found a beautifully painted wooden kitty box? tray? figurine? I would've bought it (likely for my friend AM) if it didn't cost $26. You read that correctly: twenty-six dollars.
I also found a Ronald McDonald lamp. Yep: he lights up. Also, for some unknown reason, he has a hole in his mouth. It is so weird.
Finally, I really kind of want the Willy Wonka couch. Does anyone have $900 to spare?
After lurking around four floors of the salvage shop (without buying anything), CM and I headed to Flanagan's patio for some day-drinking with BFF and Mr. Shawesome. After the week of drinking also known as spring break, I decided that I was not going to partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages until after my half marathon on May 6th.
Well, that lasted eight days.
This looked too refreshing to pass up:
Plus, it was approximately 150 degrees outside. Don't worry: I just had one "concoction" and guzzled approximately 8,000 glasses of water.
After an afternoon of baking in the sun, BFF and I headed out west for our weekly errand excursion and then to another friend's house for dinner (omg delicious appetizers and Big Tomato pizza) and Game of Thrones. I've never seen the show, but it sounds very
Finally, we arrive at Monday.
Still with me? You get a gold medal for suffering through this post.
It took every ounce of energy to crawl out of bed this morning. Yesterday was go-go-go-go-go, and I feel like every time I moved in my sleep, I woke up due to my foot screaming at me. So, I finally rolled out of bed at 6:40 a.m., took a quick shower, and headed to school, where I had a great day.
For lunch, I whipped up a super fast salad, again inspired by CABCO's Colossus Salad:
I don't know what the deal was, but it just didn't taste that great. I think maybe there was too much hummus and tzatziki, not enough balsamic (as in, not any balsamic). I really don't know.
I left early, though, for a doctor's appointment. He x-rayed my foot (no fracture) and then proceeded to tell me that he didn't think it was a big deal, that I probably shouldn't run for a while, and that I should take my preferred anti-inflammatory and ice it a lot.
Thanks, Doc.
Well, I didn't run today, but I did head to the gym for an hour of spinning. I biked exactly 23 miles in 60:23, and it was a great workout. I was drenched in sweat and feeling pretty darn good. I did, however, skip the abs class that I was going to take because I got starving in the middle of spinning.
At home, I chugged a glass of milk while I was cooking dinner - and then wasn't really hungry for real food. Interesting.
Side note: I am not a huge milk drinker. For some reason it's been grossing me out a bit over the past several months (likely thanks to Skinny Bitch). Lately, however, I have been craving it like crazy. I had to run to the store after dinner today and even bought a small thing of chocolate milk that I guzzled in approximately seven seconds.
What. the. heck.
Dinner was a recipe I found on my mom's blog: garlicky shrimp (courtesy of Real Simple). As Mama said, the recipe really was real simple. And, it was real delicious. I will definitely be making this again - likely when I need to "wow" someone. (Not like that's in my future anytime soon, but I digress.)
I figured I had had enough vegetables at lunch (and really just was not feeling them tonight), so I served up the garlicky shrimp over brown rice with a side of naan. Again: yum.
Before I sign off for the evening (and pass out), I have to talk about the temperature. It has been so ungodly hot (for April, at least) the last couple of days. The air conditioner has not yet been installed, and despite having every single fan in my apartment going on full blast, the cats have been the epitome of lethargic:
Yep: sprawled in the middle of the floor, not sleeping, not moving, nothing. They are just staring into space like, "Get some freakin' cold air in here, lady!" It'd be a lot funnier if I weren't feeling just about the same way.
The sweltering warm weather does, however, paint a pretty picture of our city:
Good night, y'all.
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