I know I said that last night's post was going to be short and then followed that statement up with a novel of a blog, but tonight's really is going to be short. It is now 8:00, and this is the first time I have sat down since work (where, while I normally stand all day, I have been sitting due to a great student teacher).
After work, I headed out west to (...drum roll...) Whole Foods. You may be thinking, Emmy, why did we just drumroll for Whole Foods? That's weird. Well, friends, this was the first time I have been to Whole Foods in Des Moines.
Yes, I said it. Whole Foods has been here for quite a while now (two years?), and I just now stepped foot inside.
It was probably good that I held off for so long. I feel like I could maybe spend a lot of time -- and infinitely more money -- at that place. Wowza.
After drooling over everything at Whole Foods, I headed next door to World Market and wandered around there forever. It's been a while since I have just wandered around a store, and it was kind of nice to spend however long I wanted looking at the most random things.
Finally, I went to Hy-Vee since Whole Foods didn't have something I was looking for (coconut aminos) and since I forgot sweet potatoes. (Note to self: don't go to a grocery store that is under construction at 5 p.m. on a Friday. That place was Crazy Town.)
Anyway, I ran my bazillions of errands, headed home, cleaned up the apartment a bit, did dishes, cooked dinner, did more dishes, took the trash out, and sat down to write.
So, here we are!
You should be sensing a theme now with breakfasts. Today's included chicken sausage, two eggs, half an avocado, a green pepper, a handful of mushrooms, and some salsa. I'm pretty sure that I smell like meat every day at school since my kitchen does not ventilate well. Awesome.
Lunch, as usual, was leftovers from dinner. Again, last night's dinner was amazing. That amazingness translated to lunch today as well. It was so good that I was seriously contemplating making it for dinner again tonight.
Instead, I decided to go for a little variety and save my Spicy Shrimp, Part Two for next week.
Despite the picture looking less-than-lovely, tonight's dinner was another success: coconut-crusted chicken (loosely adapted from Paleo Plan), with mango-jalapeno vinaigrette dipping sauce (loosely adapted from Happy Healthnut) and sided with roasted sweet peppers and sweet potato.
Side note: one of my sweet potatoes was white. It was definitely a sweet potato, but it was not the usual orange color. Weird.
Physically: I feel good. My tummy issues still feel like they are fairly resolved (fingers crossed they stay that way). Weighing oneself is not allowed during the duration of Whole30, and while I do not necessarily think I have lost weight, I do feel a lot less bloated, and I feel like my tummy is tighter than it has been in a while. Hopefully it will get even tighter (and smaller) when I can start adding some workouts back in. Other than that, I have a killer headache right now and am absolutely exhausted, but I've had a fairly busy couple of days, so that likely has a lot to do with it.
Emotionally: I'm feeling good. I'm looking forward to this weekend where I can just sit and chill and watch TV and read and not have to do anything. I think level of relaxation will be very good for me. (I am, however, a little nervous for the weekend in regard to food, as I tend to thrive with routine and go off track without it. I know, though, that I will stick to Whole30 and not give in a single bit.)
Cravings: Nothing. Seriously. Is that crazy, or what? I don't feel like I miss anything at the moment. That really, really surprises me.
Alright, friends! I'm off to camp out in front of Netflix -- likely for about 20 minutes until I crash on the couch.

Be careful at Whole Foods. Srsly. https://medium.com/race-class/d778c31aa9be