Thank you all for your kind words on my break-up post. I am doing very well, and I attribute that to the most amazing support system in the world. I love you all.
In order to help jumpstart me back into healthy living, I have decided to embark on quite an adventure, and I am hoping some of you are interested in coming along for the ride.
On Monday, February 24th, I will be starting my first Whole30.
Essentially, this program serves as a reset button for the body by flushing out toxins and replacing them with real, whole food. It is very, very restrictive, which is something I definitely don't usually support, but I sincerely believe my body needs a good, hard push in the right direction, and this seems like a really great, healthy way to do that.
I like that the program focuses on the physical aspect of food (i.e. what negative affects each of the "restricted" foods can have on the body) but also the psychological aspect. For instance, any type of pancake (even those made with "allowable" ingredients) are banned, as those pancakes will trigger "comfort food" thoughts, which in turn solidify the hold that food has over our minds.
So, here is what I will be eating for 30 days:
- Good, quality protein
- Lots and lots and lots and lots of vegetables
- Fruit
- Healthy fats
- Food with small lists of pronounceable ingredients (or, preferably, NO ingredient lists since most of the food will be in its natural state)
And here is what I will not be eating for 30 days:
- Added sugar (real or artificial)
- Alcohol
- Grains (even quinoa)
- Legumes
- Dairy
- Potatoes (other than sweet potatoes, thank God)
- Carrageenan, sulfites, MSG
- Paleo-ified baked goods
So yes, this is restrictive. And no, this is not a "diet" that I will be sticking to for my whole life. This is simply a plan to help reset my body and jumpstart my healthy-living regime. I am hoping that after 30 days, I will feel better in a bazillion different ways.
For the past week, I have downloaded all Whole30-related documents I can find, I ordered the book (and will start reading it tonight since it just arrived today), I created a meal plan template for each of the 30 days, I created a Whole30 Pinterest board, I have started finding recipes, and I have told everyone who will listen to me about this crazy adventure.
Over the course of the 30 days, I hope to blog every single day, as I think it will be interesting to track how I'm feeling (both physically and psychologically), and it will obviously hold me accountable. I will take before and after photos, and I will weigh myself on Day 1 and again on Day 30, but nowhere in between. I will workout as regularly as I can, although they do not advise any crazy-ridiculous training, especially the first week, as I will be fueling my body in a manner that will take some getting used to.
If you are interested in joining me (or if you have done this before and have some ideas for me), please let me know in the comments. I would love to create a positive support system throughout the course of this program, and it's always easier to stick to something when you have a team by your side. Let me know!
And, wish me luck!

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