
Monday, July 11, 2011

A Milestone

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you all had wonderful, relaxing weekends!

Mine was awesome: jam-packed full of family, friends, and fun.  It started on Friday when my soon-to-be sister-in-law came to town.  She recently became a stylist with Stella and Dot and had a trunk show at my apartment.  I am usually not super into house parties where stuff is being sold, but I absolutely LOVE this jewelry line and am even thinking of selling it myself.  Until that happens, though, please consider purchasing from Aly.  :)

After the trunk show, we went downtown to meet her best friend, and after a quick visit to a new-ish patio, we headed up to her friend's roof - and managed to bribe a singer/songwriter/street performer to play his guitar up there for us.  While it was a little on the humid side, it was a spectacular view and amazing entertainment.

Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early (5:45!) for our run.  Can you guess how many miles we did?
It was awesome.  I cannot even tell you how proud I am of all of us - and I'm totally including myself here!  It was SO hot outside, and it was obviously the longest distance we've run.  Interestingly (or maybe not so interestingly), it was the first time I've been sore after running.  I really haven't had any muscle soreness, oddly enough.  The ten-miler was quite different, though, and I was hurting immediately after we finished.
In addition, while my slicing shin pain has been almost completely alleviated with my new shoes, I am starting to develop "runners' knee."  It's very, very sore, but I also know I need to ice and Advil more than I am.

But enough complaining: I RAN TEN MILES!

After the run we came home and had to relatively quickly get ready for an appointment: to shop for wedding dresses!  We hit up Schaffer's, an upscale bridal boutique, where Aly tried on beautiful couture gowns and classy bridesmaids' dresses.  From there we went to the mall to pick up new running shoes for Aly, new software for me, and lunch.  And then Aly had to leave.  :(  I love that girl and am so thankful she's a part of my family.

As soon as I arrived home, I absolutely crashed on the couch.  I did not even wake up to two text messages or a phone call - and I always wake up to my phone!  Saturday night I went on a date to see Horrible Bosses.  I had absolutely no idea what this movie was about (or even what genre it was), but I am so glad we went: it is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a LONG time.  I was crying because I was laughing so hard.  After the movie we went to one of my favorite bars, had a couple of cocktails, and called it a night.

And it was a good thing we did because I had to wake up early: my mama came to town!  We had a girls' afternoon/evening at Summerset Winery planned, and my mom came in early so that we could go to brunch and then on a hot, humid cemetery walk.  After a short rest at home, we packed up our picnic and headed south to the winery for a wonderful time with great friends.  I worked briefly on my new job (!!!) and then crashed - I was pooped!

Today included a three-mile run and a gut-buster workout, a dentist appointment, more work for the new job (!!!), and dinner with friends, and now I am ready to crash.  Is it bad that I'm kind of crossing my fingers for storms in the morning so that I can sleep in and run later in the day?  :)


  1. congrats on the 10 miles! that's awesome :)

  2. Thanks, girls! I'm pretty proud of my group and myself - and also totally freaking out about the TWELVE miles scheduled for this Saturday!
