
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our Deepest Fear

I recently received an invite to join Bliss Connect, a community of health and wellness bloggers.  First, I am extremely honored to be included with some amazing women such as Angela, one of the most inspirational writers I've read; Brittany, who has great recipes, food-finds, and workout ideas; Caitlin, who founded Operation Beautiful (check it out - awesome); and many, many more.

Second, I started browsing the site today and came across one discussion thread that I really, really like.  It's all about inspirational quotes, sayings that make you feel better, etc.  I am constantly looking for things like this in my life; in fact, I have six pieces of art work (that I can think of off the top of my head) hanging in my house, all consisting of quotes.  I love everything from poems to song lyrics to literary text to random musings.  Through one of my friend's blog rolls, I also discovered a website full of quotes and images; check it out.

I thought today I would share a few of my favorite quotes, some of my most recent finds, with you!

I just bought this from rawartletterpress on Etsy and plan to put it in my classroom - she adapted an A.A. Milne quote from Winnie the Pooh, and I think it is something that so many of my kiddos need to hear everyday.

Love, love, love.  Imagination is so important.

I'm going to figure out a way to put this one in my classroom, too.  We do so much with the concept of voice, the idea of journaling and about finding oneself, and I think this idea fits in impeccably well.

Finally, I leave you with this video:

Okay, so most of my favorite quotes today had to do with teaching and with my students, but...oh well!  Tomorrow we'll talk about running.  :)

What are your favorite quotes/sayings?  What words inspire you?


  1. Those are amazing! I love the first one, I want to put that around my apartment somewhere!

  2. good quotes! i like them all and love that lewis carroll one.

  3. I just clicked on the link that said "my friends blog roll" and smiled really big when it went to my blog! So sweet, made my day :)
