
Friday, April 4, 2014

Five on Friday

Today, I am linking up with The Good Life BlogHello! HappinessCarolina Charm, and A. Liz Adventures for "Five on Friday."


Please don't forget to join me and Aly for our link-up: Three Thanks! We love the gratitude that we've seen and read so far!


I get to see this little fella tomorrow:

I am so excited to see him AND his mama. Also, I hope no one else is expecting to get any time with him, as I plan to keep him to myself all day long.


We still have about two months of school left, but I feel like it's going to fly by. My calendar is jam-packed:
I think there are two weekends in there that I have free.

Plus, I will be teaching (duh) and planning/administering finals, coaching tennis (eek!), starting See-Us Run Des Moines, writing this blog, and prepping for summer fun.

These two months are going to disappear, friends.


I just got this email a few days ago:

And, now I know how I'm going to waste even more time.

I don't know what it is about some TV shows, but I can watch them over and over and over and over. I don't care how many times I've seen House solve X case or how many times I've seen Benton and Stabler catch Y perp, I can still watch those same episodes over and over and over.

And, they're really good shows to nap to (even if I always fall asleep at the end and miss the "answer" to the medical case or crime scene).


I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys this, but on Sunday, I wore a pair of jeans that I haven't worn since last year because they didn't fit. And, I tried on my super skinnies, and they zipped up! They weren't super comfortable quite yet, but I can tell I don't have that much further to go before I'll be waltzing around the city in those bad boys.

April 2012
In that picture, I am wearing the aforementioned super skinnies (and yes, I know you can't see them well), a medium tank-top from Express, and a really cute fitted jacket/blazer. I want so badly to fit into that outfit again, and I know that day is not too far away. I'm so pumped.


When Holly featured me on her blog a couple of weeks ago, she featured me with another super awesome chica, Kaela, who blogs over at Flabulous to Fabulous (how cute is that blog name, P.S.?). She is in the midst of a weight-loss journey and is planning on starting Whole30, which I could not be more thrilled about. Not only does she keeps it real, but she also posts hilarious animated gifs (is that what they're called?) in every post.

Anyway, hop over, check her out, and offer her the oodles of support you've given me. :)

Finally, and maybe this is Five Point Five, I love reading others' blogs and am always looking for new ones to add to my reading list. If you are stopping by from the link-up (or from another source), first of all, welcome! and second of all, please leave me a comment to tell me about your blog. I'd love to check it out! Let's be friends. :)

What are your random thoughts for this fantastic Friday? Any fun plans for the weekend?

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