
Friday, March 28, 2014

Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll

If that title doesn't get you to read my page, I should just quit this whole blogging thing right now.


Tonight, a group of friends and I attended Sex Trivia: What They Didn't Teach You at School, a fundraiser, at the brand-new Des Moines Social Club (a pretty rockin' space).

We walked in and found our assigned table, decorated beautifully with little gifts -- Blow Pops and condoms, how apropos.

We were a little nervous after the first couple of rounds, but as the night progressed, we were pretty darn confident that we had this one in the bag.

Sure enough, Team Cer Vix-A-Lot was crowned victorious: first place winners, y'all!

We received a pretty sweet swag bag, including a week of free yoga, a candle from Liberty Gifts, a gift card for a free t-shirt from RAYGUN, and a few smaller items.


I am still getting used to the regime of drugs my doctor has me on. Seriously, that hydroxyzine knocks me out...hard. And, I feel like I still haven't caught up on sleep after Sunday night's whole three hours. Those two factors are kicking my butt, and as a result, I decided to skip the after-trivia-party and come home to just chill.

I'm so boring.

Rock & Roll:

So, I impulsively signed up for a half marathon today -- the Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon, to be exact.

Yesterday, Aly mentioned that it would be fun for the two of us to sign up for a 10k this summer. Today, I started looking up races and wasn't having a whole lot of luck for that particular distance, so I decided to change my parameters to include half marathons.

And then I saw the Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon. I have always wanted to run a Rock 'n' Roll race, and Chicago would be the perfect spot for Aly and I to meet up. And, the race isn't until July 20th, so we have plenty of time to train.

In a timespan of two hours (tops), Aly and I decided to run a half marathon, opted to travel to Chicago, reserved a way-too-expensive hotel room, and registered for a way-too-expensive race.

And I could not be more excited.

So, here's my updated race schedule:

Seeing that I have five half marathons in five months makes me think I might be a bit crazy.

The only race I am unsure of at this point is the Minnesota Half Marathon: I may be out of town for that and unable to race. Also, I am assuming I will be running the Capital Pursuit 10-mile race, but I have not yet registered.

In summation, there is nothing like an impulse buy, especially when it's for a long-distance race. :)

Breakfast: Today for breakfast I ate sweet potato hash with three eggs, mushrooms, and jalapenos. I totally forgot to snap a picture because I inhaled it. I had a meeting first thing this morning at work, so I had to wait a bit to eat, and I was starving by the time I got to it.

Lunch: Lunch was leftovers from last night's random dinner (Paleo Oatmeal, which was shockingly good left-over, and Kale Salad). It was tasty tasty.

After school, I ate a Cherry-Pie Larabar because a.) I didn't have my normal apple for lunch, and b.) I was unsure if dinner was going to be super filling.


Prior to trivia, two of my girlfriends and I went downtown to Django for happy hour. They are one of the few restaurants in town that has a raw bar, and for happy hour, oysters and shrimp are only $1 each.

Sign. Me. Up.

I had six oysters and six shrimp (no cocktail sauce for either -- just a squirt of lemon) and a soda water w/ lime. I also had two Marcona almonds from my friends' cheese & charcuterie platter.

While the food was delicious and kept me full for a while, it was not a substantial dinner. Yes, it had protein, but it didn't have adequate fat and obviously contained no vegetables. So, by the end of the evening, I was pretty hungry again. (So hungry, in fact, that I was tempted to eat a piece of pizza at trivia. I am really, really glad, though, that I refrained.)

I came home and had Second Dinner: three pieces of Whole30-compliant bacon and two eggs. Yum.

Well, friends, I'm off to succumb to the drowsy-ing effects of the drugs. Since I took 'em before I started writing this post, I should probably apologize for its content? errors? confusion? lack of sense?

I'll make up for it tomorrow with my Five Favorites: Whole30 Recipe edition.

Peace out.

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