
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Goal Recap

Last week I posted about how difficult it is for me to live a healthy lifestyle during the summer.  I then posted some goals.  Let's see how those panned out, shall we?

Drink a lot of water

I did drink a lot of water, but it's hard to measure this when I did not give myself a specific goal.  From here on out, I'm going to say that I'm going to drink at least five water bottles (750 ml each) per day, which totals 3.75 liters.

Workout six days per week and run at least one day (a minimum of three miles)

I worked out five days last week, skipping Friday (I was lazy) and Sunday (I didn't have anything scheduled).  I did not run at all.  Wah wah.

Limit myself to no more than two nights with booze (likely Wednesday and Saturday)

Let's see how this went down.  On Tuesday, I played trivia with my friends, and there was a Moscow Mule, an Angry Orchard, and a couple Michelob Ultras involved.  On Friday, we went to the Arts Festival, and there were a few cocktails consumed.  On Saturday, I headed to a friend's show and had a couple of brew-skis.

Allow myself no more than three out-to-eat meals

This was an epic fail.  I had McDonald's (I know!) and Bruegger's for a couple of breakfasts, I had Django and a Hawaiian meal the night of the Arts Festival, I had La Hacienda prior to the show on Saturday, and I'm sure there were other here-and-there dining experiences that I'm forgetting.

And you know what's really bad?  I have not gone grocery shopping yet this week.


Blog at least five times [last] week



Well, I suppose I'll try again this week -- although I can already tell you that goals three and four are going to be tough to reach, especially with the holiday falling in the middle of the week.  Oh well.

Stay tuned tomorrow morning to see what I'm super excited about this summer!  (Hint: if you follow me on Instagram, you already know!)

Peace out, yo!

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