
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Why

For the next 30 days, I will be participating in the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge by blogging about a predetermined topic each morning.  Please visit to learn more - and please check back each evening for your regularly scheduled programming.

As followers of the blogosphere, you know that there are many different types of blogs: health and fitness blogs, blogs about daily life, book-review blogs, political blogs, fashionista blogs, feminist blogs, and the list goes on and on.

While BFF and I have another blog on which we post ridiculous dating stories (not nearly as often as we should), there was only one thing I knew my individual blog would be about: healthy living.

I started The Swallow Flies on my 27th birthday as a means to track my progress in goals that were specifically related to healthy living.  Now, a year-and-a-half later, I write nearly every day in order to hold myself accountable and to share my love for good food and fun exercise with my family, my friends, and my readers.

Over the past couple of years, I have immersed myself in a (mostly) really healthy lifestyle: I eat a (relatively) balanced diet, I am cognizant of where my food is grown and raised, I am aware that food is fuel for the body, I do not overindulge in alcohol (too often), I appreciate fitness and exercise, and I feel strong and healthy - both physically and emotionally.

But, it has not always been like that.  When I was younger, I was a hardcore soccer player, and I ran and swam during the summer as conditioning for (and as a supplement to) soccer season.  Basically, I was always on the go - nonstop.  And even though we were all busy doing different activities, my mom would cook dinner every night, usually a main dish accompanied by vegetables.

When I went to college, however, that changed: I hardly worked out at all because I was "too busy" or "too tired" or "too wanting to hang out with my boyfriend."  And since my only appliance in the dorm was a microwave, many meals consisted of ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese, and beer.

Needless to say, I gained quite a bit of weight.  And wasn't happy.

That lifestyle and that attitude stuck with me for several years.  Maybe three years ago or so, however, I started really focusing on nutritious eating, consistent exercising, and healthier living in general.  I am not sure how or why the lightbulb finally clicked, but I am very thankful it did.

Over the years, I have tried several workout programs: kickboxing with Farrell's, bootcamp with Max Life Fitness & Nutrition, running with See-Us Run Des Moines, spinning and Y-Pump at the YMCA, cycling on the city trails, CrossFit with my buddies, and more.  And I have fallen in love with how I feel (and how I look) when I have constant movement in my life - and I want to share that with others.

In addition, I have finally found the perfect "diet," one that is doable, one that makes sense, and one that is focused on a wholly nutritional plan.  And in doing so, I have found a plethora of fantastic healthy recipes that I love sharing with others, cooking for others, and, of course, eating.  :)

Essentially, the reason I blog about healthy living is not only to hold myself accountable but also because I am happy with the life I am living in regards to fitness and nutrition, and I want to - and need to - share that love, inspiration, and knowledge with as many people as possible.

I can only hope that The Swallow Flies accomplishes that.


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