
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Good Day

Hello friends!

Today was Day Three of the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge.  What are your thoughts so far?  (As a reminder, I have thus far written about a time capsule, an inspirational quote, and a superpower.)

I started today with a Stoke-Your-Fire Cereal.  Although I generally love this breakfast (as you know), it was absolutely disgusting today.  I bought a new type of bran cereal, and it tastes just like the rabbit pellets it resembles.  I ended up tossing about half of it, unfortunately.

For lunch, I ate leftover garlicky shrimp, brown rice, and naan.  I didn't have a microwave available to heat it up, and it tasted just as delicious cold as it did hot.  Yum, yum, yum.

As a snack before CrossFit, I inhaled an apple.  And then did 21-15-9 burpees and wall-balls (with an 18-pound ball).  Since we thought that workout was easy-peasy (because we're tough cookies), we then added on a few miscellaneous exercises: I did ten pull-ups, 30 sit-ups, and a plank (time unknown).

After working out, I had a long conversation with my mama.  It was so nice.  I really wish we lived in the same town so that I could've just sat on the couch with her.  And, I had already talked to my dad at lunch: I had a double dose of the 'rents today and loved every second of it.

Side note: my parents have always been my greatest role models and my bestest friends.  But at my job, I am often reminded how much they mean to me and how thankful I am to have them as a constant support.

After working out and talking to my mama, I had to speed shower for an event at school - where I ate way too much Mexican food.

So, you're probably wondering why today was such a fantastic day.

Don't worry: I'll tell you.

First, I helped a student reenroll in high school.  There is a lot more to this story than that, but suffice it to say that I am very, very proud of her.  Despite great adversity in her life, she will succeed.

Second, as I already mentioned, we had an event at school this evening: a college and career night where we invited the entire student body, parents/guardians, and families for a free dinner beforehand.  We purchased food for hundreds of people, but not many showed up.  At the end of the evening, we had a lot of food leftover.  So, we decided to cart a carful of taco fixings to a local shelter.

I have not been in a shelter for many years - maybe even since high school - and it was a very humbling experience.  I want to find time to volunteer there, preferably in the very near future.  (Please: click on the link.  It appears to be a phenomenal service for our community.)

My heart just feels happy after today.  As my WEGO post mentioned, my superpower would be to make lives easier for others.  I hope that I did at least a little to show my student that I supported her, and I hope that I was able to bring some hope to the people at the shelter.

Most of all, I want to thank my colleagues, my friends - ERB, JB, CMC, and RW - for helping me make both of these "goods" happen.  They may be "drops in the ocean," but without them, my life would not be the same.

I am so blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are really doing so much good for yourself and others! I bet you're still on cloud 9 from yesterday. About the shelter~ you'll love it. The homeless that sleep and stay there are bussed to my church each week and they are really great people. We've also served meals there, and I promise you, your spirit WILL soar and you will be humbled. You're a good woman, Emily!
