
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Song

For the next 30 days, I will be participating in the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge by blogging about a predetermined topic each morning. Please visit to learn more - and please check back each evening for your regularly scheduled programming.

Today's post for WEGO is all about a theme song for my blog.  While this may sound interesting to some, it sounded much like the haiku post to me.  I believe that songs are poetry, and, as a refresher, I don't do poetry.

What I do do, however, is listen to music.  A lot.  Unless I am running with a student, I am always, always listening to music while I workout.

Since my blog is largely focused on fitness - and since I listen to music while I am participating in fitness activities - I have decided to share with you some of my favorite workout songs.

First, I love pretty much any song by LMFAO.  Party Rock Anthem, Sexy and I Know It, and Shots get me every time.

Second, I'm currently loving Beyonce's Countdown.  That jam makes me move.  Also, it makes me laugh because my best guy friends have the most hilarious choreographed dance to it.

Pretty much every single Girl Talk song ever is on my marathon playlist.  They are all mashups and have a great tempo with which to run: keep moving, keep moving, keep moving.

I think that Nicki Minaj is pretty darn cool, and my favorite song of hers to run to is Super Bass.  I think it might have something to do with Sophia Grace and Rosie, but I don't know...

Young, Wild, and Free by Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa is another favorite.  There's just something about Snoop Dogg that gets me every time.  And I love the chorus to this song.

While we're rapping right along, let me mention some other artists that are flooding my playlist: DMX, Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Eminem.  Rap is generally fast, which sometimes makes me want to move (relatively) quickly.

And I love me some pop stars: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, and Fergie.  Again, pop is usually upbeat with a fast tempo: sometimes this makes me move faster than a snail.  Other times, well...

Apparently I like listening to gangsta rap and Top 40 hits while gettin' my sweat on.  

And if you're (un)lucky, you can even catch me singing along.

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