
Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yesterday, I wore no makeup at all.  One of my best friends/co-workers said I looked "radiant."

Today, I wore mascara.  One of my students said that I looked depressed.  Another said that I looked really pretty with no makeup (and of course when I say "said," I really mean shouted in front of the whole class during my lesson).

Despite looking depressed, I believe I'll be lazy and not do makeup more often.

After hours and hours and hours a few minutes of research, I found quite possibly the best cure for terrible, horrible, no good, very bad blisters.  Are you ready for it?  Zinc oxide.  Guess what product has that as its number one ingredient?  Desitin.

Yep: you can clear up your blisters and your baby's diaper rash - all with the same magic ointment.

It is hard to get back into running, even after just a brief respite.  While the crater on my arch didn't necessarily hurt any more while I was running than it did while I was walking (thank you, Diaper Rash Cream!), it still felt like a rod was being jammed into the bottom of my foot with each step.  Since there wasn't any friction due to my increasingly amazing tape skillz, I figured a short jaunt would be okay.

HLM and I headed out for a quick two-mile jog and ended up going just over two-and-a-half miles.  We did a great job jogging the first mile or so but then walked/jogged off and on for the rest of the route.  It was a beautiful day outside (but the wind was something fierce), our muscles were tired from yesterday's Y-Pump, and we were both just kind of...blah.  Plus, as usual, we had a lot to talk about.

It was a nice run.

I am so thankful that I am so involved with Planned Parenthood, an organization that I so whole-heartedly support.  This evening, I was invited to a board meeting for the new Friends group, and it was great.  We got straight to business over wine and cheese, and then we sat around for a couple of hours and just chatted.  It's so nice to be around like-minded individuals of different ages and backgrounds.  I'm really looking forward to getting more involved with this particular group.

Apparently it's necessary to sync your iPhone more than once every three months.  Whoa: that took forever.

And now, a note:

I apologize for the lack of "healthy living" posts the last couple of days.  I will be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled boring programming of what I shoved down my pie hole, exactly what my exercise was, etc.

I know you're waiting with baited breath.

But until then, g'night.

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