
Monday, March 5, 2012

And...She's Back

Lately I've felt like a pity party was much more convenient than blogging.  Moreover, I would have had nothing positive or uplifting to say, so I decided to spare y'all my gloominess.

You can thank me later.

Part of why I've been bummed the past week is because my foot is still a hot mess, thereby greatly inhibiting my training.  I have not been able to run since my girls and I rocked out 3.7 miles last Tuesday.

Instead, I've been working out with two of my colleagues doing Crossfit in our school weight room.  We S-man checks out the Workout of the Day (W.O.D.) on the Crossfit site, and then we head to the weight room to crank out a 15-20 minute workout.  And holy moly: it is ridiculously hard.

On Wednesday, we did 25 push-ups, 50 knees to chest from the pull-up bar, 75 push-presses, and 300 jump ropes.  On Thursday, we did three sets of a 300-meter row, 20 ball throws, and 10 pull-ups.

I kid you not: I could not move my arms until Sunday.  It was that killer.

I did not workout on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday - and it did not feel good.  I was just highly unmotivated and feeling super down in the dumps, and since I couldn't run or do really anything on my feet, I just decided to do nothing.  And while I wasn't eating horribly, it wasn't my normal Abs Diet grub either.

Bad idea.

Today, my girls and I went to Y-Pump, and I feel like I'm going to be a hurtin' girl tomorrow.  It was a great workout as usual, and it felt awesome to get back in the groove.  Also, my eating was relatively back to normal with a Kind bar for breakfast, a huge salad for lunch (minus the turkey), and two wedges of veggie quesadilla (leftover from yesterday) for dinner.  I also just chugged a glass of skim milk and, I'm not gonna lie, may have another.  I don't drink a lot of milk, but when I get the craving, I really get it!

Tomorrow, I have a 3.5-mile run scheduled, but I honestly don't know if my foot is going to allow it.  I definitely don't want to injure it more: after all, I need to be healthy for training, and I want it to be fully healed prior to my salt-water excursion in a couple of weeks.  :)

I can't wait.

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