
Monday, February 20, 2012

A Holiday?

I have decided that Presidents' Day is not, in fact, a holiday.

I mean, if Google doesn't even bother to change its picture, it shouldn't be counted, right?

Also, I had to work today.  Therefore, it's not a holiday.

2013: get it straight.

Today was a good - albeit loooooooong - day.  My alarm was set for 4:40 a.m. because I was trying to hit a 5:10 a.m. Y Pump class.  Mags, my wake-up call, rang in at 4:45, and I promptly rolled over and went back to sleep.  But, after lying there for about five minutes thinking about how I should wake up and work out, I finally rolled out of bed and got ready for the gym.

And showed up just in time for the class.

It was a pretty good one.  The exercises were different from the last two times I've been, and let me tell you: my triceps were screaming.  However, the instructor was a little less-than-ideal: there were times that she'd just stop in the middle of the workout.

If I'm holding a plank for 40 seconds, by God, you will, too!

I mean, seriously.

It felt good to get the workout done bright and early.  And I even had time after my shower to do some dishes, straighten the house, etc.

I had a productive morning!

I headed to school for two sessions of professional development and a delicious lunch catered by the administration:

Palmer's!  I had about three-fourths of a turkey sandwich, a hefty portion of pasta primavera, and half of the ginormous brownie.  It was all delicious - but I was hungry about two hours later and gobbled down a tiny Kit Kat in one bite.  (Seriously: it was the tiniest Kit Kat ever - like, smaller than bite-size.)

At professional development today, I took a couple of pictures that I thought you'd like to see.  First, we were discussing using nonlinguistic representations as an instructional strategy and were focusing on symmetry in the art room.  We were discussing that human faces are slightly asymmetrical, so I took a picture of myself to see if that was true:

Yep.  That right there, folks, is a goofy lookin' face.  Also, my right eye is smaller than my left.

In our technology session, we worked on using different sites to alter photographs.  So, I made a motivational poster:

And that, my friends, will conclude Show & Tell.  You're welcome.

After school, I hit up the chiropractor for an adjustment and some stim on my back.  I love that machine: it's like a "free" massage.

Then I headed to the grocery store since I didn't get there this weekend.  I bought everything needed to make a rock-star dinner, modeled after my new favorite meal: get ready for its debut (tomorrow, maybe).

Finally, I had a meeting for Planned Parenthood at Star Bar.  Of course, I opted for the catfish tacos with a side salad and balsamic vinaigrette.  And of course, I forgot to take a picture of it.  I inhaled the salad in about three bites and ate one of the tacos, saving the other for lunch tomorrow.

I also drank two glasses of cabernet - oops.

Because I have nothing else to bore you with and am likely to crash in T minus three minutes, I will leave you with a Valentine I received from one of my all-time favorite students on Friday:

I love my job.

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