
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Before I Sleep

While I was up at 4:45 yesterday, I didn't roll out of bed until 6:45 today.  I was one tired girl.

And, due to my lack of caffeine this morning (and going nonstop since 6:45 a.m.), I am still one tired girl.

The day started with Stoke-Your-Fire Cereal.  As usual, no fewer than three individuals asked me what the heck I was eating.  It's good, I swear.

Following a morning assembly for our wrestler who is a four-time state champion and undefeated in his entire high school career, I taught until 2:35, worked with some of my kiddos after school, and headed out on a run with one of my favorite running buddies, ERB.

We had a three-miler scheduled for today but only ended up running two (well, 1.9) due to an appointment conflict.  It was actually pretty good that we cut it a mile short because my shins were killing me.  They haven't really been bothering me a lot lately, but I think the four-mile run on Sunday kind of did me in.

My shoes are Saucony Kinvaras, and they're quite minimalist.  I absolutely love them: they're super cute (obviously the most important aspect of a running shoe), and they're extremely lightweight.  However, they're lightweight because they don't offer a lot of support.  (Duh, that's pretty much the definition of minimalist.)  Therefore, they've been giving me some shin splints.

We changed the two miles we had scheduled for tomorrow to a three-mile run, so I'm thinking I should bring my tried-and-true Asics with me - and give the Sauconys (and my shins) a break.

(I had a Kind Bar as a morning snack followed by my leftover fish taco and an apple for lunch.  For an afternoon snack, I had an Almond Joy smoothie.)

When I got home I got started on my "make-up work" with Fab Ab February.  For a variety of reasons, I had not done these workouts since last Thursday, which required I do a total of 250 sit-ups (60-60-60-70), 66 push-ups (15-15-18-18), and 3 minutes and 33 seconds of planks (45s-50s-50s-55s).

Holy smokes.

Crazy Cat Lady Side Note: those four sets of Fab Abs also included approximately eight head-butts from felines as well as two certain somebodies playing limbo under my planks.

Like that's not distracting.

After working out like crazy, I headed to the nail salon because, yes, I'm a bit anal about my nails, and I just can't keep them looking good if they don't have acrylic lacquered on top.  I've tried - and failed.

Then, I headed to Grimes for a good friend's Pampered Chef party.  In addition to eating too many appetizers (I said no to wine, though!), I bought a couple of things, including a mango curry sauce that is going to be delicious on chicken.  Or cream cheese.

However, I never ate "real" dinner tonight (and actually didn't go too overboard on apps at the party), so I'm thinking I'll probably wake up famished at 3 a.m.

On a completely different note, I want this:

It'll be a different font and hopefully along the arch of my foot, but I really, really want to get it done soon.


Headed to bed as soon as this laundry is done - tomorrow's going to be an early morning.


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