
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sleepy Time

Today is going to be a short post.  Sorry (or, maybe, you're welcome).  I'm absolutely exhausted.  And honestly, I'm a little cranky that I'm not jammin' to Kid Rock right now.  Oh, and I stood up for myself for once, and I'm a little emotionally wiped out from that ordeal.

It's not been fabulous.  And now I'm done whining.

The day started with a bowl of Cracklin' Oat Bran.  I know this is not the best cereal to eat, but I was really craving it when I was at the store, and it really kept me full all morning.  I almost didn't even want to eat the banana I brought for my mid-morning snack.

After teaching for four hours, I went straight to my student's house for a tutoring session and then practically sprinted home because I was famished.  I whipped up a quick turkey sandwich (yum) and then hit the pool with one of my new friends.

And now?  I'm fried.  Like, beet red.  Oops.  Apparently I should've put sunscreen on sooner than two hours into our afternoon swimming session.

Immediately when I got home, I popped in 30-Day Shred.  I knew that if I sat down for even one second, I wouldn't work out.  Now I can barely move: I am so sore!  I'm not sure I'll be shredding tomorrow, but I am planning on waking up at the crack of dawn to run three-and-a-half miles.  We'll see if I can actually peel myself out of bed an hour early to make that happen...

My final endeavor for the evening was to hit the mall for another pair of my new favorite pants:

They're from Express of all places.  But I have been LIVING in them the last week, and I figured since that is absolutely disgusting, I'd better get another pair.

I also felt like I should buy this tanktop since it was a buy-one-get-one-half-off deal.  It's cute and will be even cuter when I'm a smidge more toned.

This weekend I bought this sweatshirt in charcoal gray.  I LOVE IT.  The pockets are rouched, and it fits perfectly.  I've already worn it nearly every day, even though it's been 110 degrees outside, so I know I'll get good use out of it.  I could probably get it in pink as well and do just fine, but I'm going to make a good decision and not do that.  :)

I strongly recommend all three of these pieces.  You'll love 'em.

My sister-in-law has been recommending Chi Running, so I went to Barnes and Noble as well and bought a copy of that.  She said it's a great book that shows how to not expend so much energy while running.  Since I'll be tackling 26.2 miles soon enough, I thought this would be a great thing to know!

Of course, I couldn't just leave with one book.  I also bought a running memoir: What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.  I've heard of this book before, possibly in Runner's World.  It's a memoir, which I love, and it's Murakami's journal from training for the New York City Marathon.  I need all the motivation I can get!

Finally, I bought a "for fun" book:

To Kill a Mockingbird is my all-time favorite book, and this is a collection of essays as to how the book changed people's lives.  I'm really, really excited to read it - and I like that it's a book that doesn't have to be read all at once: I can read a few chapters in between other books, etc.

And speaking of books, I'm going to head to bed and read for a little while.  I wanted to get my two pieces of writing for tomorrow done tonight, but it's just not going to happen.  My creativity is non-existent, so I think a good book and a good night's sleep are calling my name.

Ciao, bellas.

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