
Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Morning came way too soon today!  After I finished blogging last night, I met BFF for a drink and commiserating.  (Side note: how can people be so rude?!)  Of course that included us staying out past my bedtime, and I was sleepy this morning.  I haven't been drinking caffeine lately - literally all I've been drinking is water and Kool Aid - so I'm sure that had something to do with my sleepiness.

On my way to work this morning, I ate a banana, and halfway through the morning, I ate another Fiber One bar.  I'm not kidding: those are like crack.  Yum.

After school I came home and gobbled up some leftover quinoa.  Today I added sweet chili sauce instead of Rasta sauce, and it was delish, too.  I know it's not the healthiest condiment; I need to find a better dressing for blander quinoa dishes...  Any ideas?

I then proceeded to take a nap; it was absolutely amazing, just what the doctor ordered.  Following my midday snooze, I met up with one of my students at Caribou to tutor her in writing.  Because we were at Caribou and because I had some post-nap hunger, I had to order my new favorite drink:

A White Peach Berry Smoothie.  It was delish.  I highly recommend them.  They're 300 calories and loaded with sugar, but I think it was worth it.  :)

I then decided that working out was in order.  I took a day off of running due to my blister/foot injury, and while that probably wasn't my smartest idea, I did something different:

Yep!  I shredded!  Consider this Day One of the 30-Day Shred.  I probably should've taken before photos, but too late now!  Just teasing - maybe I'll do that before I go to bed.  Or maybe you'll just have to trust me when I rave about my success.

I can already tell I'm going to be sore tomorrow.  It's been forever since I've done strength training, and even though I was only using five-pound weights, I was hurting during several of the exercises.  There were even a couple that I had to break during.  Oops.  I'm sure tomorrow will be easier.  :)

Luckily, I had a helper:

Also, it's interesting the things you notice when you work out at home and in a sports bra: 1.) I get really sweaty, really fast; 2.) my carpet is itchy; 3.) my carpet is DIRTY!  I swear I just vacuumed it, but it was absolutely ridiculous and disgusting how much was sticking to me by the end of the workout.  Suffice it to say I jumped straight in the shower!

After my workout, I worked on my freelance writing for a little while (major writers' block, absolutely no creativity), and then I decided to "cook" dinner:

Same as lunch yesterday: a turkey and pepper-jack cheese sandwich with a side of fresh mango, strawberries, cantaloupe, and watermelon.  It was really yummy, and I know it'll keep me full 'til morning.

The next two days have the potential of awesomeness: tomorrow could include a trip to Omaha for a Kid Rock concert (I'm DYING to go and have yet to coerce someone into going with me - but I haven't given up yet!) or to Kansas City for a Newcastle game.  Thursday, I may be going to Omaha for a Zac Brown Band concert with my sister-in-law.  And then Saturday, as you know, I'm going to Omaha for Aly's triathlon.  Could be an exciting (and full-of-driving) few days!!!

And if I don't post, you know why.  :)


  1. I love the Fiber One bars, but I have to be careful when I eat them... major gas. My BFF calls them Fart Bars. ;)

  2. Sriracha sauce is my go-to condiment of choice!

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