
Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's been a few days since my last post - school is super busy lately!  But, I thought I'd follow Amber's lead and do a little "Get to Know You."  So, here goes!

1. Do you watch/read the news?
I watch listen to the news (Channel 13) every morning when I'm getting ready for school.  I am so happy that Jeriann is back from maternity leave, and while I'm not a huge fan of Brooke Bouma (how many times can she stumble over words?!), I generally enjoy the station's broadcast.  Whenever I have a free second during school (so, like, never), I check out Yahoo's top stories - they're usually more entertaining than anything else.

2. How would you describe your "look"?
I wear what I want and what I think looks good, and I don't particularly care what others think.  :)  While I used to only wear heels - like, all the time - the recent ankle sprain really made me appreciate flats.  I like to look put-together and always wear fitted clothing, even when I'm lounging at home alone: no baggy t-shirts for this girl!  I don't so much do patterned fabric...

3. Did you play sports in high school or college?
Yep!  In high school I was on the soccer team (two years) until I decided that knee/hip issues just weren't worth it.  I did cross country for a summer and hated every minute of it (and am wondering why I thought this marathon idea was a go).  I was also on the golf team for one year - but golfed more regularly outside of school.  In college, I played soccer intramurally.  I have coached both soccer and cheerleading at a couple different high schools.

4. Would you rather give up lipstick/gloss or high heels?
This is a super hard choice.  I'd probably have to say lipstick/gloss - because it doesn't mention anything about chapstick!  :)

5. What's your favorite show to watch on tv?
I don't follow any shows regularly because my schedule just doesn't allow it.  I'm more of a "TV on DVD" sort of girl - Dexter, True Blood, Weeds, etc.  However, I am a sucker for marathons: Law and Order: SVU, Real Housewives of New York City/New Jersey/Beverly Hills, CSI, etc.  I also like Jersey Shore.  I know.

6. Would you rather bake or cook?
If I had an oven that worked efficiently and effectively, I'd probably say bake.  I really like decorating things.  However, I'm working on some culinary skills and would have to say cook - at least for now.

7. Shorts or skirts?
DEFINITELY skirts.  I don't do shorts.  Ever.

8. What's your favorite scary movie?
The Omen is the scariest movie um, ever.

I'll try to get back to you with regularly scheduled programming tomorrow - it's looking like quite a busy day, though!

1 comment:

  1. I watch channel 13 too! :)
    Hope your week is going well! I'm working in an academic support lab at Hoyt tomorrow and Thursday and I'm little nervous. I honestly am not really sure what it is. I'll survive I guess... Today I was at Waukee South Middle School and (of course) I loved it. What's not to love about a brand spankin new school?
