
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, if you read the title of the post - which I'm assuming you all did - you can see that I'm a bit frustrated.  Let me tell you why:

First, I have shin splints.  Already.  They felt fine today when I was walking around in my little kitten heels, but the minute I took them off, I felt stabbing pain.  Then when I squatted to pick something off of the floor, it stabbed harder.  The Icy Hot I lathered all over my lower extremities last night did not seem to work - at all.  Ugh.  How am I only up to three miles in training and already keeling over?

Second, I'm super irritated that every time I slack off - eat unhealthfully, don't work out - I lose weight or, at the very least, stay the same, but when I work out hardcore and watch what I eat, I gain weight.  Um, excuse me: isn't that supposed to work the other way around?

Okay.  I'm sorry.  I've been Little Miss Cranky Pants lately.  I need to snap out of it.  Yesterday - for the first time in my entire life - I thought, "I'm really grumpy.  I just need to run."  So I did.  Unfortunately, that's when the shin splints decided to come on full-force.

Yesterday after my run, Boy and I went out for sushi.  He bought a Groupon for a new place (I'd been there once when it first opened) and we hadn't seen each other for several weeks, so we decided to cash it in and head out for some grub.  Check out the chef's platter:

OMG.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  We loved this meal - it was a sampling of several different things, many of which we never would have ordered on our own.  The squid salad (upper right) was to die for; we order this at every sushi place, but this was by far the best.  I had never tried seaweed salad and really enjoyed that as well.  It was also our first time trying nigiri sushi and sashimi.  While I prefer the raw fish in sushi rolls, I'm really glad I tried it this way as well; it was yummy!  In addition to this Groupon deal, we ordered another roll: "Love You Long Time" (I swear that was the name of it).  It was so spicy - layers of fresh jalapeno atop a roll of fish (forgot what kind), mango, cream cheese, and spicy sauce.  It was great flavor but a little too spicy for me to eat too much of it.

Today I was super busy: school, work with students, meeting for my Planned Parenthood, and errands for a baby shower tomorrow.  Because I had to stop at the mall as part of my errands, I naturally had to go into Barnes and Noble.  Check out my purchases:

This book intrigued me because of the flashy cover and the "300 under 300" caption.  Natch, I picked it up and leafed through it.  The recipes looked super easy, very similar to the things I usually make.  Plus, the inside pages are fairly funky, and there are full-color photos of several of the dishes.  I just had to buy it.  AND, I even made my first meal from it tonight:

This is a Feta & Fuji Chicken Salad.  I know it's really hard to tell from the photo, but here are the layers: chopped Romaine, 1/4 cup sliced beets, 1/2 Fuji apple, diced, 1/4 cup diced cucumber, sprinkling of Feta, 3 oz chicken, and a light honey mustard dressing.  The recipe called for a homemade dressing, but this one sounded yummier, was probably healthier, and was obviously easier.

I chugged down several bottles of water with dinner - from my Fat Tuesday Key West coozie bottle, natch!

Back to the books:

Since I finished Dawn Dais's amazing book about running her first marathon, (not kidding - you have to read it), I had to check out the other running books.  (Check out my mini-review of the Dais's book on my "Books" page.)  This one looked awesome.  First, it's published by Runner's World.  Second, there are diary-type pages where you can fill in your information.  Third, the advice - upon skimming - looked sound and valuable.

Finally, I picked up Lonely Planet's guide to New York City.  What an odd purchase, you may think.  However, you will think it's a great purchase once you find out that I'M GOING TO NEW YORK CITY in a month!!!  Awhile back I applied for an all-expenses-paid professional development opportunity and was just notified that I got accepted!  My amazing student teacher from last semester did, too, and I can't even imagine what kind of damage we'll do to that town!  Neither of us has been there before, so if you have, please please please hook us up with what we need to do/see/experience while we're there.  We'll only have about a day or so to wander, but we're planning on approximately 72 hours of no sleep!

Obviously that means that I need to stock up on sleep now.  So, with that, I'm going to sign off.  Nighty night!

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