
Thursday, January 27, 2011

In for the Long Haul

I'm so sleepy that I don't even know where to start today!  Let's start, I suppose, with a quick photo-recap of yesterday:

Breakfast: 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup UVAB, one banana (half mashed in while cooking, half sliced on top), 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 1 tablespoon almond butter.

Morning snack: blueberry Chobani and two string cheeses.

Lunch: L#2 of pasta.  (Still good!)

Now, prior to the next set of pictures, let me explain my evening.  After school I had a lengthy meeting at which dinner was served.  I had a healthy helping of salad (topped only with healthy things), and one slice of olive bread (yum).  There were several decadent-looking desserts, but I used some self-restraint and took one cookie and ate half of it.

Then, BFF invited two of our good friends over for dinner, and the hubs brought homemade dumplings. They were delicious.  I had about two-and-a-half of them - and totally want the recipe!

And BFF cooked the main course: chicken with a brown butter and sage sauce (Cooking Light) and asparagus with a lemon-vinegar sauce.  I also had a chunk of French bread (oops), several Meringue cookies (double oops), and two glasses of wine (triple oops).

So...after that evening of "oops," let's move on to today.

This morning I woke up after a great night of sleep and attempted a delicious smoothie.  And this is, instead, what happened:

Please disregard the wine bottles...this is the (now very messy) "recycling center" part of my kitchen.

Yep.  I totally spilled ALL OVER the kitchen.  Let me tell you something about chia seeds: they pretty much SUCK to clean up because they turn to gel when they hit liquid and stick to absolutely everything.

Finally, though, I made a delicious-as-usual smoothie.

In the mix: one cup UVAB, one tablespoon chia seeds, one cup frozen fruit, one scoop chocolate milk protein powder.  Yum.

School today was pretty darn boring.  I am giving yet another benchmark assessment, but this time it's a writing assessment.  So essentially, I sit and watch kids write silently all day.  I HATE that; I'd much rather be up and interacting with 'em.  Oh well: days like this don't happen too often, so I guess I should appreciate 'em...

For a lunchtime appetizer, I broke into my new favorite snack:

It is so yummy (like a chip dip!) and goes perfectly with my other favorite snack: carrot chips.  Mmm, mmm good!

And then actual lunch was pasta L#3.  Shockingly, I wasn't sick of it yet!

The afternoon was much like the morning: sitting, watching kids write, trying to think of ways to be productive.

And again, since it was a white day, I was famished by 3:00.  Thankfully, I had another favorite: two string cheeses.

Right after school I headed to the Y.  Unfortunately it was a little later than I had anticipated (Hot Mess crisis situation at work), and I didn't get to do as much as I wanted due to an evening obligation.  But, I did arm weights, leg weights, abs, and a measly 10 minutes on the elliptical.  The original plan was to do at least 30 minutes, and then when the whole session was cut short, I still wanted to do 15; however, during the entire workout, I was carrying my cell phone because I was expecting an important phone call, and that finally arrived ten minutes into elliptical.  So, I jetted off - without evening wiping off the machine (ew!) - to answer the phone, and then went home to shower.

Once at home, I ate a couple of things I probably shouldn't have.  First, I scarfed down something healthy: one of the bars I made the other night, and it was delicious.  You HAVE to go to Angela's website and check 'em out.  Every person who has tried them has requested the recipe.  And then I devoured four of these:

Luckily that only amounted to 120 calories, but they were obviously empty calories, so that's not ideal.

The evening obligation was for Planned Parenthood Young Leaders.  A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to serve on the board.  Yep: kind of a big deal.  :)  I'm super excited to get started!  (At the "meeting" I drank a huge glass of water and a vodka-tonic.  BUT, I passed on all of the greasy bar apps!)

Instead of the bar food, I opted for Gateway sushi:

It was super good but, again, probably way more calories than I should've consumed.  Oh well...

I got home earlier than expected this evening and signed up on Fit Day.  My friend told me about it yesterday, and I couldn't wait to get started.  Considering my nutrition record-keeping looks like this... OCD I was pumped to get it a little more organized.  The website is AWESOME, and I can't wait to start using it daily.  I love how it uses a pie chart to break down fat, protein, and carbs, tracks types of fats, etc.  There are countless positives about the website that I will enlighten y'all with as I find more of 'em!

Now, before I leave you for the evening (after the world's longest post), I have to show you my new hair.  First, here's a new product Courtney totally sold me on:

Moroccan oil.  It is awesome.  It makes my already silky-smooth hair even silkier and smoother.  It's like buttah.  :)

And now the moment you've all my mom has been waiting for: the big reveal.

Please disregard my crazily drunk-looking eyes...  It's an awful photo of me, but I think the bangs look cool.
Here the bangs look pretty similar to the last cut,  but they are a lot shorter and a lot choppier.  I love 'em.
The new Em!
I'm headed off to bed now - before Jersey Shore is even over - because I'm waking up early again for another spinning class!  Wish me luck!!!  G'night, y'all!

Today's grand total:

Calories: 1,773
Fat: 37.5 grams
Carbs: 247 grams
Protein: 83 grams

Exercise: 405 calories burned
Water: 64 ounces

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