
Sunday, January 30, 2011

An Early Night...

I haven't posted since Thursday.  Oops.

Friday was kind of a crappy day, but it started off with my normal, everyday meals:

Yummy oatmeal with UVAB, bananas, and almond butter.
Italian-style vegetable soup (100 calories!).
Strawberry-banana yogurt and two string cheeses.
I had already planned on attending the YPC Kick-off party with some friends, and due to the crappiness that ensued throughout the day, I may have been a little over-served.  So, my wonderful day of "being good" ended with a few too many vodka tonics, potato skins, and late-night QT taquitos.  Yep.  I sure made some solid choices.  :)

Needless to say, Saturday was spent in bed.  I finally was productive around 8:00 when I decided to do my taxes.  Other than that, I had lunch with some girlfriends - and slept the day away.

Today was much different.  I woke up at 8:00 this morning, finished Portia de Rossi's memoir, ate some breakfast:

...and went to the gym.  I did 25 minutes of cardio on the elliptical, burning 400 calories, and then did an hour-long yoga class.  I feel really good but know I'm going to be a sore cookie tomorrow!

My friend called while I was at the gym and begged asked me nicely to come to the mall with him and help him pick out new jeans.  After I remedied my hot messiness and chugged a carrot cake smoothie (OMG so good!), I headed out there, and then he took me to Bang Bang for dinner.  I'd never been there, but it was really yummy - very much like Hu Hot, if you haven't been there.  I ate one-and-a-half plates of seafood, veggies, and a rice/noodle mixture.  While I could've eaten less and could've passed on the carbs and the soy sauce, I don't feel like I made horrible decisions.

However, now my "today's grand total" is going to be impossible to calculate.  Oh well.

I've been battling a massive headache all day long for some unknown reason, so I think I'm going to hit the sack early.  :)

Plus, I'm waking up before the crack of dawn, too, for some spinning.

Ciao, bellas!

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