
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hard Day

Today was rough.  I'm not really in the mood to blog and have been putting it off for hours, but maybe doing so will help me "talk" it out.

I'm sure most of you have heard by now about the school shooting at Millard South in Omaha, Nebraska - my high school.  A student shot two administrators, fatally wounding one - the current vice principal, my former vice principal.  He then drove about a mile away from the school and shot himself.

I was a sophomore in high school at the time of the Columbine tragedy.  I remember all of us talking about how something like that could never happen at Millard South, despite the schools being nearly identical demographically.  We were a good school, a strong school.  I know that Millard South is still good and still strong; but right now - like my heart - it is in pieces.

As a high school teacher, I cannot even imagine experiencing something like that and pray that I never have to.  Along with Mrs. Kaspar's senseless death, I think what I am most sad about is how the teachers and the students have to respond to this tragedy.  I just can't even describe it.  How do you walk back into that building?  How do you tell students things are going to be okay?  How do you try and explain what happened?

I just don't know.

And I am just so sad.

Briefly, I'll tell you about the rest of my day - what I ate and my exercise.

Breakfast: shake with one banana, four strawberries, one cup UVAB, one tablespoon almond butter, and a half scoop of protein.

Midmorning snack: two hard-boiled eggs and an apple.  Again.

Lunch (eaten late...had to present professional development): leftover gnocchi.  Again.

Afternoon snack (eaten late because of a faculty meeting and working out): two string cheeses, carrots, and four tablespoons of hummus.  Honestly, I'm still working on this.  After I finally began to process what happened today, I just wasn't hungry.

So...that's that.  I was planning on having either my last serving of gnocchi or a freshly cooked dinner tonight (stay tuned for later this week) as well as a nighttime snack of a Larabar, but clearly neither of those "meals" happened.

I did go to the gym for a spinning class - 55 minutes of hardcore sweating.  I looked at a few different sources that said that was equivalent to over 800 calories.  That seems like a lot to me.  But, for the amount I sweat compared to how much I sweat on the crazy elliptical, it's definitely possible!

When you look at today's grand total, don't be mad at me: I swear I don't have an eating disorder.

Today's grand total:

Calories: 1077
Fat: 35 grams
Carbs: 152.5 grams
Protein: 54.5 grams

Water: 60 ounces (oops)
Exercise: 800 calories burned

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