
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Jersey Shore!  I have the exact same thought as one of my friends who texted me earlier: "It's actually kind of sad how excited I am about this."  One of my students ran into my room fist-pumping and chanting "GTL" today because he knows just how excited I am.  :)

While I am still very upset by the Millard South tragedy, today was a better day than yesterday.  I just couldn't stop thinking about it last night - and every time I thought about it, another aspect of it upset me.  I think one thing that especially got to me was that when I was lying in bed - crying profusely - I realized that I needed something: a hug.  I really, really needed someone with me.  And while I am generally happy with how my life is going, I was very saddened by the fact that I was alone.  Single people don't get a lot of hugs - especially when they really need 'em.

Today was another bad day with food, though.  Like I said, I am still upset by the incident yesterday, and then I got fairly stressed out later in the day with some school things.  When I am upset and agitated, I am not hungry.  And by "not hungry," I really mean that if I feel like throwing up at the sight/sound of food.  Weird, I know.

Breakfast (6:30): one full banana, one-fourth cup of blackberries, one cup UVAB, half a scoop of protein powder.  It was delish.

And now it gets confusing.  Initially, I had brought an apple and two hard-boiled eggs for my midmorning snack.  However, I was too busy with students so just skipped straight to lunch (11:00): gnocchi again.  Believe me when I say that I am more than ready to be done with that.  It was yummy, but not for four meals.

During Eighth Block today (around 1:30 or so), I dug into my banana.  I took a picture of it with the string cheeses that I was supposed to eat, but those are still in my refrigerator...  I just wasn't hungry for 'em.

During night school (3:30), I had the two hard-boiled eggs that were initially intended for the morning snack.

And then I had the apple around 7:30.  Not good, I know.

I'm trying to work up the energy to dig into the carrots and hummus that were supposed to be part of my lunch.  I'm just not hungry!

I'm going to eat them, though, and I'm going to finish this Nalgene of water before bed.

I took a day off of working out.  I've had three good workouts the last three days, and I needed a break.  Plus, I knew I'd be working late at school, and then I had to do more school stuff as soon as I got home.  I needed a night to relax for at least an hour or so.  Also, I'm pretty sure one of my biceps muscles got a little too much of a workout on Tuesday...somethin' just ain't right!  :)  I'll head back to the gym tomorrow after school for some more weights - arms and legs - and a mellow cardio workout, I think.

Today's grand total:

Calories: 1092
Fat: 33 grams
Carbs: 155.5 grams
Protein: 41.5 grams

Water: 32 ounces (horrible!!!)
Exercise: 0 calories burned

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