
Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Jam-Packed Weekend

This weekend - like most of 'em - was way too full of fun and went by much too quickly.  It started on Friday with physical therapy right after school: she thinks I broke my fibula, so I am going back for more x-rays - hopefully tomorrow.  After that, I met a friend out for dinner and then went to see our school's production of RENT.  It was absolutely amazing - by far the best school performance of anything I've ever seen, and I venture to say it was nearly as good as the Broadway production.  Incredible.  The director also was able to have three panels of the AIDS quilt on display in the auditorium:

Following the play, my friends and I went back to our original restaurant, joined a few more of our friends, and had a few drinks.  It was a really fun evening.  I have the greatest friends in the world!

On Saturday, I woke up for breakfast with BFF (Waveland, natch), ran a few errands, and proceeded to go on the most horrible blind date of all time.  I will spare you the details, but when he continued to text me after the date was over (finally) and I wasn't responding, I became so utterly offended by what he was saying and had to respond with, "Imagine how you would feel if in 20 years, some guy told your daughter what you just said to me."  This prompted him to warn me that if I ever tried to "mess with" his family, I would not live to regret it.  

I love my BFF because she then took one for the team and texted him that she would be notifying the authorities if he ever contacted me again - he responded equally degrading and threatening things to her (saying I'll be lucky if I still have a job next week - um, what?!), but we are hoping that he is now through with both of us.  And if he is not, I think we will have to contact someone.

Ah, I love the dating scene.

Clearly that whole scandal warranted a fun night out with the girls.  BFF and I headed to Dos Rios - where else?  We were joined shortly thereafter by another friend, a colleague and his wife, one of my newest awesome friends, and another guy.  After Dos was closing down, we headed to the Royal Mile - and then because we had an extra hour, ended the night at Zimm's.  It was far too much fun, and I spent the majority of the day recovering.

I really need to get back to my goal of "one night of fun per week."  Really.  Once is enough.

The weekend fun culminated with my soccer team's banquet.  We headed to Felix & Oscar's in West Des Moines for some ah-maze-ing pizza.  I had a slice of deep-dish pepperoni and a slice of thin-crust mushroom.  It was just what the doctor ordered!

I suppose I should maybe grade some papers before the weekend is over...  Or, maybe I'll just do it in the morning instead.  I think my bed is calling my name!

Talk to you tomorrow, friends!  And please cross your fingers about my x-ray!  Thanks!!!

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