
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Already, Des Moines?

As I was driving downtown this afternoon, I was appalled.  It can't be, I thought as I saw these lining the street:

LINING the streets.  Didn't Halloween just end?  Wow.  This year has flown by.

I woke up earlier this morning than I would've liked to - but doesn't this happen every morning?  I quickly awoke by drinking a homemade iced coffee - or three - and slurping down a shake: raspberries, blackberries, banana, UVAB, vanilla protein powder, and ground flaxseed.  It sure did its job and kept me full until 1:00 when I was finally able to eat lunch.

That, however, is another story.  I went to make a wrap this morning, and unbeknownst to me, my Flatouts had gone bad.  I grabbed one out of the bag, plopped it on the counter, and it literally disintegrated right there.  It was absolutely disgusting.  And since I had eaten all of my leftovers and didn't have any other bread with which to make a sandwich, this is what I ate:

Yep: hummus, baby carrots, and two pieces of string cheese (hidden between the veggies and stapler on my disgusting desk).  I was dying for some carbs!

Luckily, after physical therapy today (which absolutely killed, by the way), BFF, another bestie, and I went to Trostel's for dinner and a glass of wine.  Trostel's is a small-plate restaurant; they put a maximum of four plates on the table at a time, stagger the meals, and diners are encouraged to share dishes and order throughout the evening.  Check out this spread:

Popcorn Shrimp - literally crusted with popcorn.  YUM.
Maple-Pecan Pumpkin (I think).  DOUBLE YUM.
Artichoke stuffed with something that I don't remember.  (This wasn't my favorite dish, but it was still yummy.)
We also ate lobster tacos that had dried plantains rather than tortilla shells, and BFF and bestie ordered one of my personal faves - macaroni and cheese with truffle oil and chicken (or something like that).  I was absolutely stuffed from everything else that I couldn't even take a bite of the mac 'n cheese!  That's when you know a girl's full!

I am currently plopped on the couch with a blanket of ice wrapped around my ankle.  I need to numb the sucker completely before I can even attempt the exercises my physical therapist is forcing upon me.  At least I don't have to go back until Friday!  A day off will be awesome.

Wish me luck with these exercises!  Check ya tomorrow!

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