
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend Recap

Again, I was not as great as I should've been this weekend.  But, this was expected, as it was Iowa's Super Bowl and the opening weekend of NFL football.  Honestly, the weekend is the hardest for me - I can be so strict and super good during the week, but as soon as the weekend hits, I lose it.  I don't know what to do about it, other than try A LOT harder next weekend.

Yesterday after blogging I savored a delicious Green Monster:

This picture is purposefully dark because the actual color was not too appetizing - kind of similar to baby poop.  Oh well...  It tasted amazing!  In the mix: two huge handfuls of spinach, a splash of UVAB, a serving of vanilla protein powder, frozen raspberries, frozen bananas, flaxseed, and chocolate peanut butter.  (I think that was it...  I honestly can't remember!)

Shortly thereafter, I went for a two-mile run, prepping for future 5k races - one of which is this Saturday!  My goal was to loop around the lake in 24 minutes, as this would beat our 12:30-minute-mile time (pitiful, I know) from the first 5k.  I ended up finishing in 22:34, so I was pretty pleased with myself, especially since I walked more than I would've liked.  I think I probably ran 1.75 miles and walked .25, but I think I could do much better with more training.

Following the run, I met up with a friend and headed to a friend/colleague's Iowa State vs. Iowa party.  It was a fabulous time with great friends, but it was not a wonderful football game.  Oh well, at least the Huskers won!

The food was delicious, but not one thing was healthy...  I made BFF's dip, which I am now calling the "Buff Chick" recipe - imagine everything unhealthy (Ranch dressing, blue cheese, wing sauce, cream cheese, and sharp cheddar cheese) all in one meal.  It was delicious, but I think I gained five pounds from that alone.  Other amazing options included scotcheroos, spinach dip, seven-layer dip, cheese dip, and other morsels of awesomeness that I am forgetting, I'm sure.  I definitely can't forget the Bud Light...

After having a lot of fun at the party, I felt super lame to go home at 6:30 and do nothing - but I did!  I put my jammies on, sat on my couch, and Hulu'ed old "Project Runway" episodes; when I had to restart one of them literally six times because I had fallen asleep, I realized it was probably time to hit the sack for real.  It was a perfect evening.

I woke up this morning and went to breakfast with the BFF - we had a BOGO coupon at the Drake Diner and felt the need to use it.  Immediately.  I ate about half a Belgian waffle with bananas and pecans and drank entirely too much coffee.  After, I cleaned my apartment a little bit while I waited for the food to settle, and then we hit the trail for another run.  This time, though, we took BFF's doggies, and due to that extra factor as well as the (unbeknownst-to-us) countless people at the lake for the Diabetes Walk, the two miles took a little longer than yesterday: a little over 26 minutes.  Oh well.

I messed up my foot/ankle in soccer this week, so taking it a bit slower was fine by me!

For dinner and a football party tonight, we whipped up a semi-healthy dinner:

Chicken Fajita Quesadillas with a delicious black bean and mango salsa.  YUM.  Aside from the small dollop of sour cream on each wedge as well as the pinch of cheese, the dinner wasn't all that unhealthy!

AND, I made the good decision of drinking approximately one-and-a-half gallons of Kool Aid rather than cerveza.  First time for everything!  :)

I forgot to tell you: last week third-date boy emailed me and told me he "wasn't feelin' a spark."  Shockingly, I'm not at all upset - I wasn't feeling one either and was just sticking around to give it a chance.  Better luck to both of us next time.

I am going to head to bed now, though.  I'm very sleepy and have a super busy day ahead of me tomorrow - beginning with a morning workout at 5 a.m.!  Wish me luck (for that and for better self-control next weekend!).  Mission GET SKINNY NOW is back on track, full force!

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