
Monday, September 13, 2010


So, I was supposed to wake up early and go to the gym this morning.  But...I wanted to sleep for the extra 45 minutes.  (What the heck was I thinking?!  I should've just gone!)  But, I worked out later in the day, and I am going to be sore tomorrow!  I'm already sore, and I just got done working out about 90 minutes ago!  More on that later...

Remember that today is the start (okay, restart) of mission Get Skinny Now.  I started off strong with a breakfast made last night: overnight oats!

I mixed a blueberry Chobani yogurt with 1/3 cup oats and a splash of UVAB, and this morning I topped it off with a sprinkling of fresh raspberries.  I'm sure you can imagine just how delicious it was.

Because today was a "B" day at school (i.e. I eat lunch at 10:45 in the morning), I didn't need a morning snack and instead just held off until I could inhale leftover quesadillas from last night.  Please notice the beautiful table setting desk (although I guess it's impossible to see under the beautifully shiny aluminum foil):

After school I had a meeting for my student group, PROUD: People Respecting Our Unique Differences.  This is a group a friend/colleague and I put together to improve the school community, specifically around issues of race, ethnicity, and gender.  The kids are absolutely phenomenal, and I have gotten so much out of working with them.  Today was a pretty basic meeting: making posters to recruit more of 'em!  (Oh, and I ate an apple.  I figured you know what an apple looks like and didn't take a picture...)

Shortly thereafter I had another meeting that lasted until 4:45.  I was wiped after work but ready to run a few miles.

Alas...the weather did not agree with me.  Literally as soon as I walked out of school, it started raining and thundering.  Running next to open water in a thunderstorm?  Probably not the most brilliant idea.

I went home, lazed about, checked email, and then ate the other leftover quesadilla:

I'm going to have to have BFF make these again.  Tomorrow.  Wow.

While it may not have been a good idea only an hour after chowing down a not-so-light dinner of quesadilla, I decided to go to the gym.  There was a 30-minute abs/back class that looked interesting, followed by an hour-long yoga class.  I'm pretty sure that the perky little abs/back instructor wanted to kill me - and she darn near succeeded!  That was one tough class!  Following it with yoga made my body even more sore.  I'm sitting here right now with an elevated, iced foot to try and heal this mysterious injury for my first soccer game (!!!) tomorrow.

Of course, nothing heals an injury like some good ol' cookies & cream ice cream!

I'm going to start doing the "Today's Grand Total" again - it helps me really stay focused on exactly what I'm putting in my body on a day-to-day basis.  So...get ready!

Today's grand total:

Calories: 1236
Fat: 50.5 grams
Carbs: 196 grams
Protein: 59 grams

Obviously, these are approximated: I did my best to "over-guess" the salsa and the quesadilla, but I could be wrong.

Also, does anyone know the ratio of calories/fat/carbs/protein one should be eating each day?  I'm usually a stellar Internet searcher, but I can't find any reliable information on this...

Thanks, y'all!  Talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. This is a good website...
