
Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Weekend of Twins..

...the Minnesota Twins, that is!

This weekend my dad and I headed up to Minneapolis to redeem his Father's Day present: tickets to see the Twins play at the brand-new Target Field.  My dad has been a die-hard Twins fan for as long as I can remember, and by default, I have been a fan as well.  When they opened the new field and my high school classmate Brian Duensing started pitching, I knew we had to make a trip north.  Thanks to a good friend for helping us acquire tickets, we were able to watch a beautiful (although not-so-pretty-for-the-Twins) baseball game.

Obviously I made yesterday my free day (for food and for not working out!).  I made sure it started off well with a Nalgene of water and a Larabar for breakfast, but then I succumbed to the Snaps and Whoppers (mine and my dad's favorite candies) that we had brought along for the car ride.  Yum.  And when we finally arrived at the ballpark, undoubtedly had to inhale a Murray's steak sandwich and a Bud Light.

It might not look like the most appetizing thing in the world, but it was simply delectable.  Dad and I hardly talked at all - we were too busy chowin' down!  And boy, oh boy: that beer tasted delish!

After the sad loss for the Twins, Pops and I headed on a mini-tour of the city: Dinkytown, Seven Corners, the Metrodome.  Then we hopped on the interstate and headed north to my aunt's house for dinner and fun.  We ate a late dinner of the best Chinese take-out I've ever had, chugged some much-needed ice water, and settled in for a night of fun and good conversation with a glass half a bottle of wine.

We woke up before the crack of dawn at 8:30, ate some delicious, healthy vegetable frittata, and hit the road.  With some more Snaps and Whoppers to keep us awake, we made the journey in no time.  Dad helped me with the bookshelf that I was too stupid to figure out on my own:

(Not bad-looking for $15, huh?!)  After my dad continued on his journey home to Omaha, I made a Flatout wrap - that, oddly enough, I had been craving all weekend!  Sorry for no picture, though: I was too hungry and forgot!  And then because I had a meeting to attend for work - and because I'm always lazy after a vacation - I took yet another workout-free day.  Instead, I straightened up the apartment a little, went to the grocery store, and just chilled; after all, school starts tomorrow.

At the grocery store, I picked up some of my favorite food: sushi with brown rice.  It definitely wasn't the best I've had, even from Gateway, but I inhaled the whole plate anyway!  I just love me some raw fish!

And while I've been slacking on the water consumption today, I have chugged a half gallon of Kool-Aid.  That has to count for something, right?

I am going to spend the rest of this evening flipping through some old magazines to tear out recipes for this week.  Tomorrow is going to start way too early - and will certainly be followed by a hardcore workout and a deliciously healthy dinner.

I'm sorry to see the summer end, but at least it did so with a bang: it was such a great weekend with my favorite guy in the whole wide world!  Muh.

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