
Monday, August 23, 2010

Good-bye, Summer

It's crazy how different I feel after two days of not eating the best and not working out: absolutely awful!  If this weekend - which wasn't even horrible regarding food and activity level - had happened just two weeks ago, I would've thought nothing of it.  But because of how healthy I had been the last week, I noticed a huge difference.  Perhaps it was the sodium in the sushi and/or soy sauce, or maybe it was not drinking enough water, but I think that made the biggest impact.  Back to chugging water like it's going out of style!

I have not been sleeping well lately for some reason, but the last two nights - one in Minnesota, one at home - I have absolutely crashed.  I'm pretty sure had my alarm not gone off at 6 a.m. - and 6:05, 6:10, and 6:15 - I could have slept several more hours.  I'm already excited to go to bed tonight, but I definitely have to make it through some Danielle and Caroline drama first.  I don't know what I'm going to do with my Monday evenings after this week!

Although I much rather would've stayed in bed, I woke up and ate something new: overnight oats.  I mixed 1/3 cup of uncooked oats, 1/3 cup UVAB, and 1/3 cup water and stuck it in the fridge overnight.  This morning, I mixed in half a peach and a tablespoon of almond butter.  Despite the rave reviews I've read on other blogs, I was not impressed.

Today was the first official day at school - for teachers, at least.  Essentially, it consisted of meetings, organizing classrooms, meetings, planning lessons, and meetings.  It went well, but like I said before, I am pooped!  And a little nervous...  I am teaching ninth-grade English in the band room.  Not like, I am teaching when the band isn't playing: I am teaching all four periods the band is in there.  Needless to say, it'll be interesting.  I brought a morning snack with me for the meeting:

(How do you like that beautiful presentation?  :)  Hey, it had to be easily transportable!)

I walked to the meetings this morning (just across the street!) and headed home instead of going out with everyone else for a healthy lunch:

I'm not kidding: I am OBSESSED with Flatout wraps: best invention ever.  I switched things up a bit with chicken instead of turkey and topped it with the usual: lettuce, Laughing Cow cheese, and avocado.  Mmm, mmm good!  I accompanied the wrap with the other half of the peach from breakfast and a side of carrots.  Although the yogurt is pictured, I wasn't hungry for it and put it back in the fridge!

After work today I headed straight to the Y for a workout with my accountability buddy, CS.  On the way I ate yet another snack - it looks like all I did today was eat!!!  

CS brought me a SOYJOY last time we worked out, and I finally ate it today.  It was soooo good - tasted like an even more delicious Fig Newton.  At only 130 calories a pop, I will definitely be purchasing more!  It was the perfect pre-workout snack: a not-too-filling energy boost!

Thank goodness CS and I have each other because both of us would much rather have gone home and taken a nap!  We started the workout with a brisk 15-minute walk and a chat on the treadmill, a short ab workout, and another killer spinning class.  I am not sure how I'm going to be able to move tomorrow!

Tonight's dinner was a massive salad.  I made two, thinking I would eat one tonight for dinner and one tomorrow for lunch.  However, I couldn't even finish half of one!

In the mix: lettuce (organic spring mix, I believe), half a cucumber, a Roma tomato, three radishes, a carrot, a handful of garbanzo beans, a handful of blueberries, half an avocado, goat cheese crumbles, and light balsamic vinaigrette. 

I'm not going to take a picture of it, but I believe I'll have a Weight Watchers ice cream bar for dessert/bedtime snack.  :)

Today's grand total*:

Calories: 1,204
Fat: 55.5 grams
Carbs: 135 grams
Protein: 58.5 grams

*Quite an estimate: I'm not sure exact amounts of everything I put in the salad...


  1. I told Dan (who is a choir director at a high school) that you are sharing your classroom with the band. He says he does not believe it because nobody would be that stupid. Good luck! :)

  2. OMG. My real classroom is under renovation, and this is the only spot left that they could put me! I made my principal come down today and listen to my teaching environment. She is just aghast.
