
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You knew it was coming.  Of course you knew.  I was going to mess up.  Who would've thought it'd be already, though?  This is only Day Three.


I did not mess up in the way you might imagine.  Even though it was volleyball night, I did not drink.  Even though it was a warm, humid day, I did not go get ice cream.  Nope.  In fact, I messed up by not eating enough.

Unlike many other people, I do not overeat when I am stressed: I undereat.  Give me a good break-up, and I lose a good ten pounds.  Give me the start to the school year, and I eat less than 1,000 calories.  And get a massive headache.  (Mom, please don't yell at me.  I'll do better tomorrow!)

Here's the break-down of the day:

It started off phenomenally well.  I woke up and concocted one of my favorite breakfasts, courtesy of a fellow blogger: Banana-Almond Oats.  In the mix: 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup UVAB, 1/3 cup water, half a chopped banana.  Microwave on high for three minutes, and top with the other half of the chopped banana and one tablespoon of almond butter.  It's so good that it's almost like dessert.

I then booked it (pun intended) to Caribou to work on school stuff.  One of the stressors in my life is that school starts a week from tomorrow, and I have yet to figure out what I am teaching.  After several hours of hard work, one large iced tea, one Nalgene, and many bathroom breaks at the coffee shop, I still felt like I had accomplished nothing. was time for relaxation.  I first went to yoga with my friend, the best instructor in the world.  It was a difficult work-out, but I feel like I am improving, so that made me happy.  Plus, she has the best relaxation at the end of the work-out, and I felt so much better.

After yoga I went home to do another of my most favorite relaxing activities: cooking - and more precisely - chopping vegetables.  Julie Powell, from Julie and Julia, once said, "You know what I love about cooking?  I love that after a day when nothing is sure, you can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk, it will get thick.  That's such a comfort."  I'm not so sure that baking is my comfort (not enough experience + crappy oven = stress), but I do love the methodical chopping of food.  That is comforting to me.

And the result of the chopping?  A beautiful black bean and avocado salad courtesy of Women's Health. (I am just obsessed with magazine recipes lately!)

Mmm, mmm good.

After that afternoon "snack," I decided to go on a bike ride prior to helping a friend move and volleyball later in the evening.  I did not get far in my ride, as the bag my mom got me for my birthday kept snagging on my tire.  I tried fixing it numerous times, but it still kept rubbing and eventually started to rip a hole in the rubber.  After closer inspection when I arrived home, I decided that I weigh too much so that my ass keeps pushing the bag onto the tire.  Awesome.  Let's add to the frustration.  And the headache.

Oh well.  I'll be riding to the bike shop tomorrow - with my bike bag in my backpack.  :)

And, on a semi-related note, my BFF gave me a scale that she had sitting at home, still in the packaging. I may be a little obsessive and have stood on it no fewer than four times today.  Damn you, bike bag!

But I digress...  I arrived at my friend's new apartment just in time: I only had to carry one load upstairs.  (Sorry, Friend!)  And then headed off to volleyball, where we almost won!  If I had played better (or, probably, sat on the sidelines) the first two games, maybe we could've won; but, I did pull my weight (I'm so punny tonight!) during the last one!  And finished Nalgene #2!

And due to the massive headache and lightheadedness I acquired during volleyball, I decided that, despite not being hungry in the least, I should probably eat something when I got home.  So...I ate the other half of the salad, wrapped in my new favorite food product: Flatout Bread.  (Seriously: go buy some.  Now.  OMG.)

And, to make me happy, I chugged down a glass of sugar-free, tropical punch Kool Aid.  OMG.  I cannot even begin to describe how much I love Kool Aid (grape, cherry, tropical punch - it doesn't matter!) - and how much I drink - always with a straw, of course!

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day: bike shop, spinning class, and a whole lot of work for school.  Wish me luck!

Today's grand total:

Calories: 924
Fat: 48 grams*
Carbs: 108 grams
Protein: 30.5

*That is a lot for how little I ate, but there was an entire avocado in the salad!

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