
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Believe It Or Not

I know I said I would blog every day, but even though it is technically Wednesday, I haven't been to sleep yet.  And because it's my blog, it counts.

Today was a very productive day.  I got it started with a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze.  Holy moly: if you've never tried this, go to the store and buy some now.  Totally delish.

I then packed a satisfying snack to take to my classroom for my morning work: a chocolate coconut Larabar, a banana, and a piece of string cheese.  Because my breakfast was a little protein deficient, I thought I was going to be famished quickly.  Perhaps it was because I was just so busy, but I only ate the string cheese!

After nearly finishing my classroom (I only have files to unpack and sort), I took my BFF, who also helped at school, to lunch.  I wish I had remembered to take a picture of the amazing Palmer's salad before I inhaled it, but alas, I did not.  Anyway, I had a small spinner salad with romaine lettuce, red pepper, mushroom, black olive, provolone, turkey, and an egg, topped with a little raspberry vinaigrette dressing.  It came with a whole-wheat roll, but I didn't even eat it!  :)

Then it was off to the gym.  After three miles and 35 minutes on the elliptical (made much easier with an old Women's Health magazine), I did an ab workout and then walked a mile on the track.  Done within an hour, I was feeling refreshed and a little sore!  So, I ate my banana on the way home, hoping the potassium would help the muscles feel better.

As soon as I got home, I plopped on the couch to finish my book!  Yes, month one's goal of completing a book of my choice is already complete!  I absolutely LOVED The Girl Who Played With Fire, even more so than Stieg Larsson's first book, and I couldn't put it down.  Now I am trying to figure out what to read next!  Suggestions?

For dinner I ate leftover zucchini pasta from last night, accompanied by some baby carrots, and drank an iced tea.  (I knew that tonight, being Tuesday Team Trivia, had the potential to be a late night and wanted to dope up on some caffeine so that I didn't crash early!)  Don't worry: I did get my two Nalgenes of water in today as well!

Boy, was I right!  I just got home from a rousing game of trivia.  While team Booze Clues totally sucked it up tonight, we somehow still remained in second place overall.  Team: we need to bring our A game next week and push to first!

Y'all will be so proud of me.  I brought my Nalgene to the bar and did not drink a single sip, even though the cheap pitchers of PBR were calling my name!  I didn't even eat a piece of the popcorn that kept reappearing on the table; instead, I ate the Larabar that I had intended for earlier.  Not drinking during trivia was not too difficult, but after it was over and the raucous dance party started, that's another story.  Leslie and the Ly's hosted their after-the-state-fair party at the Des Moines Social Club, and not only did I stay stone-cold sober during this...

...but I also participated in the ridiculous dance party that ensued.  Oh yes.  Stone.  Cold.  Sober.  If I can do that, I can conquer the world!  :)

Today's grand total*:

Calories: 1396
Fat: 60 grams
Carbs: 146 grams
Protein: 79 grams

*This was a bit estimated because I do not know exact amounts of what they put in the salad; however, I overestimated.

And now it's bedtime.  Although the classroom is nearly finished, I have so much left to do before Monday: for instance, figure out what the heck I'm teaching!  G'night!

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