Well, friends, I think coffee dates are dumb. (In fact, I was just telling some friends that I would immediately turn down a date if someone suggested meeting at a coffee shop. I mean, isn't there supposed to be booze involved?)
So while I think the idea of a coffee date is dumb, I am all about talking about random things. Instead of "meeting up for coffee," I have decided I'd like to chat with you all over a glass (or three) of wine.
Please pour yourself a glass. I'll do the same.
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Using meditation and wine is acceptable, right? Right?! |
If we were having wine tonight, I would recap some fun adventures I have had with great friends over the last week.
On Tuesday, my friend Kate flew in from Florida, and we went to King's Wine Bar (where I want to be a regular) in South Minneapolis for happy hour. I haven't seen her in years, so it was nice to catch up in person. We're hoping to run a race together in the somewhat-near future. (And congrats, Kate, on your triathlon last weekend!) |
On Friday night, some colleagues and I decided that we wanted to extend happy hour to a night on the town. The four of us headed to Uptown, where we checked out Stella's Fish Cafe and the Libertine before deciding that we were too tired for partying it up on a Friday after a long week. :) |
On Saturday, one of my besties in the entire universe came to town, and he and his daughters and I wandered around one of my new favorite places, Lake Harriet. He and I had a lot of catching up to do, so it was a nice way to do so. Later that evening, we went to the Crooked Pint to watch the democratic debate. On Sunday, we went to French Meadow Bakery and Cafe for brunch before he had to head back to the 515. |
If we were having wine tonight, I would tell you how excited I am about running again. After Nicole and I walked three miles on Sunday, I headed out solo around the lake for another mile. And I killed it.
And yes, I realize that a 10:12 mile is not fast -- but it's fast for me, and that's all that matters. |
So yeah, I killed it.
If we were having wine tonight, I would tell you how thrilled I was with the weather this weekend. It is Minnesota -- in mid-November. There is supposed to be a boatload of snow on the ground. (Praise the heavens above that there isn't.) I walked around Lake Harriet in a cardigan and jeans, and I ran around Lake Como in a tank top.
How great is that?!
If we were having wine tonight, I would tell you that I'm feeling much more positive than the last time I wrote -- after The Flood of 2015. It rained all day while I was at work (at least I think it did -- I have no windows in my classroom), and when I got home at 5:00, the floor was dry. Hallelujah! Maintenance is coming to fix my raggedy floor tomorrow, and the leasing company also said that they were going to credit my account for the inconveniences that I faced last week. I was not expecting that, but I am relieved (and grateful) that it's happening.
If we were having wine tonight, I would tell you that I love how peaceful my new apartment is (when it's not underwater). I have been so diligent about keeping it in relatively pristine condition: putting everything away where it goes immediately when I get home, making sure all of the dishes are done and put away before going to bed each night, sweeping at least once a day (usually twice), making my bed every morning, etc. And at night, I love lighting all of the candles and sitting on my couch with my kitties and a glass of wine. It's just so calm, which is something I have not experienced in a long time.
If we were having wine tonight, I would tell you how excited I am for this weekend. The National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention is in Minneapolis this year, and several of my former colleagues (and great friends) are coming up from Des Moines. Mags will be here Wednesday and is going to come to school with me on Thursday, and I am so excited to see her (and to show off my new apartment, school, city). I am also SO EXCITED to attend the conference, as it is always super rejuvenating and reenergizing -- and, I always get bags of free books, which is especially exciting considering I'll only have to haul them across the city, not across the country this year. Because you know what I need? More books. (Last time I went -- in Boston -- I literally had to pack my carry-on suitcase inside of my checked bag, just so I would have enough luggage for the books I knew I would receive. I then had to carry TWO huge, heavy bags on the airplane with me as well. Crazy.)
If we were having wine tonight, I would tell you that we need to stop drinking already: it's a school night. And speaking of books, I want to do a bit of reading before I crash tonight. I just flew through Necessary Lies for my new book club and really, really enjoyed it. I'm about to dig into Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget (how apropos) and then am super stoked to start After You (sequel to my most recent favorite book) and then The Girls at the Kingfisher Club for December's book club.
Thanks for the wine date, friends! Mwah!

Oh man, I just read about your flood - looks like a mess! Sounds like things are looking up, have fun this weekend!