
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Three Thanks

Happy Thursday, friends!

Welcome to the weekly link-up that I host with my favorite sister-in-law, Aly, over at Here Comes Happiness!

Please join up with us if you have a blog, and if not, please hook us up with your three thanks in the comment section below.

The Swallow Flies & Here Comes Happiness Three Thanks

With no further ado, here is what I am especially grateful for this week. :)


I am grateful for my kitties.

Charlie trying to be thisclose to his sister, and Chloe looking annoyed (per usual).

I know a lot of people probably describe me as a crazy cat lady, but a.) I don't understand why since people with dogs aren't considered psycho, and b.) I don't care. I love my cats.

While I love traveling and visiting new places (like now in Atlanta, for example), I don't like leaving Chloe and Charlie. While I'm pretty sure Chloe manages just fine since she is so independent anyway, I worry that Charlie thinks I've abandoned him forever. (He has some unhealthy attachment issues.)

And, I know that I'll get a lot of kitty-love when I return.

Now stop judging me. :)


I am thankful for my running shoes.

I've been running in my Brooks PureCadence 2s for the past several months, and I really, really like them. I was nervous because they are technically a minimalist shoe, and I have a lot of foot issues with over-pronation, so much so that I should be wearing a motion-control shoe.

But, these Brooks have not given me any problems, and I love how lightweight they are. (Oh, and I love the look, too.)

While I have had minimal blistering, it is nothing compared to what my feet looked/felt like with my Asics.

These are definitely keepers in my book. And, better yet, I won them from Meals & Miles!


I am grateful to work for a school district that values and celebrates diversity and that sees the importance of educating its faculty on such issues.

I am grateful that my superintendent agreed to send four of us to this conference this week, and I am thankful for the information that I am gleaning from each presenter.

And, I am also thankful for being able to spend time outside of school with my colleagues -- discussing professional (and, I'm sure, plenty of non-professional) matters.

What are you thankful for today?

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