
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Long Day

I am not one to complain a whole heck of a lot, but today was a loooooooong day.

I woke up bright and early at 5:30 -- before my alarm even went off. I was semi-awake anyway (guess it was just where I was in the sleep cycle), and then the truck came to empty the dumpster for my apartment building. My bedroom faces the back parking lot, which is right where the dumpster is, and let me tell you about the truck that comes super early every Tuesday morning: it is not quiet.

So, I was up and at 'em.

For breakfast, I whipped up my current favorite: scrambled eggs with sauteed onion and mushroom, topped with avocado and salsa.

For lunch (a mere three hours later), I ate leftovers from last night:

Seriously, this burger is amazing. And I'm pretty sure that my new favorite food is sauteed mushrooms. In addition to this deliciousness, I also ate an apple and a bite of the super awesome Paleo treats that I made my coworker/friend Lindsey for her birthday.

I had a fairly busy day teaching, and then we had parent-teacher conferences. So, essentially I had a 13-hour day.

And, I'm glad that I ate a relatively hearty lunch, as dinner was non-existent. By the time I headed to the PTA dinner in the teachers' lounge (only an hour after conferences had started), it was all gone. I ended up eating approximately eight grapes, a bag of "clean" popcorn (can't remember the brand, but it was legit), and a peanut butter cookie. The popcorn and cookie weren't technically "Paleo," but I was hungry and was not well-prepared.

Oh well.

I apologize for the short post, but I am wiped, friends. I need some relaxation -- stat.

How would you have solved the "I-forgot-to-pack-food" dilemma that I encountered today?

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  1. I think your mom always told you to keep a granola bar in your purse...
