
Thursday, May 16, 2013

No Caffeine

You know what doesn't mix well with 5 a.m. workouts, thrice-weekly two-a-days, and a full-time job that involves corralling imparting knowledge to 14- and 15-year-olds?

No caffeine.

I'm not a "chug-caffeine-all-day" kind of gal (after all, if I drink caffeine after noon, I'm up all night), but I generally drink a go cup of coffee every morning.  It has become quite the routine, and it offers a nice little jump-start to my morning and, therefore, my entire day.

This is all I want right now.
And, let's face it: it makes me sane.

Well, while I get this whole heart issue under control, I'm avoiding caffeine.  I had a cup of coffee yesterday for the first time since Friday, but I decided that I'd better just go completely without until I glue on my Holter monitor on Friday and have my echocardiogram next Wednesday -- and then get the go-ahead from the cardiologist.

(I'm also avoiding alcohol, but that's not as big a deal since I was maybe drinking once a week anyway, and even then it was a glass of wine or two.  I can live without that.)

So, I write this at 6:30 a.m. after a tough workout and before a long day of work, already tired and wanting to go back to bed.

I may just go to Caribou and grab a cup of decaf.  The placebo effect is a real thing, right?  :)


Wish. me. luck.

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