
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dam Crazy

Do you remember that race last year where I almost puked at the very end?  The largest 20k in the country? Remember how I was SUPER prepared for it since I had just finished a half marathon not even a month prior?

Well, that same race is happening in just 11 days.

When registration opened months ago, I snagged a spot right away since I know Dam to Dam sells out every year.  After all, it's only open to the first 8,000 entrants.

When registration opened months ago, I had an entire training plan scheduled and vowed to be prepared to run the 12.4-mile race.

When registration opened months ago, I was unaware that I was going to forgo running for kickboxing and resistance training.

So, while I have secured a spot in the race, I do not at all feel prepared.  I mean, I have not run more than 4.6 miles since I ran the marathon in October.

However, I am going to run Dam to Dam, and I am going to run it well.  (And, now I don't have the choice to back out since I put it in writing.  Crap.)  I am in extremely good shape right now: my cardio endurance is up due to kickboxing and shorter runs, and my leg and core strength is up due to resistance training three days a week.  While I was running three to four times a week last year, I wasn't doing any strength training, my nutrition was fairly lackluster, and I did not feel as good as I do now.

The real motivation to crushing Dam to Dam, however, comes from a couple of weekends ago: I felt completely, 100% unprepared to complete my legs of the Market to Market Relay, but despite the wind, the chilly temperatures, and my complete lack of training, I surprised myself and totally kicked butt.

Therefore, I am confident that I can do the same at Dam to Dam.  Let's just hope I can cross the finish line with a smile instead of like this:

We can hope, right?  :)

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