
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dessert Oats

I'm sitting in front of my computer screen at 7:45 a.m.  I woke up at 5:30, worked out at 6:00 (lower-body killer workout), showered, and made breakfast.  I had super grand plans of sipping on coffee, watching runners jog by my front window, and writing several posts.

And then I decided that I'm actually quite sleepy.

But, before I go crash on the couch, I wanted to give you a delicious breakfast recipe that I may or may not have enjoyed three times this week:  Dessert Oats.

Here's what you need:

Cook the oats in the water until they're done.  (Don't you just love how specific my recipes are?)  Plop in the sunflower butter, dump in the granola, and make all of the above swim in the UVAB.

It seriously tastes like dessert.

And check out the stats:
  • Calories: 370
  • Carbs: 35 grams
  • Fat: 21 grams
  • Protein: 13 grams
  • Sugar: 8 grams

It's pretty much the perfect meal.  SO, if you have not yet made breakfast, make it happen.  :)

Have a fabulous morning, y'all!

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