
Monday, April 1, 2013

Blackened Tilapia Baja Tacos

Rather than going through the mundane details of the past two days, I thought I'd share a recipe with y'all.  You can thank me later.

First, though, I am going to tell you a few highlights of this weekend:

On Saturday afternoon, BFF and I headed out west for shopping and errands.  We hit up Old Navy, where I picked up my new favorite workout jacket and a super cute sundress that will be too big for me in approximately five days.  Good thing a.) it was only $25, and b.) my mom can maybe make it smaller.  (Right, Mama?)  We then headed to Trader Joe's and Hy-Vee, which you can read about it my meal-planning and grocery-shopping post.

On Saturday evening, BFF and I went to dinner at Dos Rios, one of my favorite restaurants in Des Moines.  The Boy met us out, as did A&E, and the five of us chilled at a neighborhood dive for a couple of years.

The Boy had Sunday off of work for the first time in forever, and we had a blast.  I made us OMG pancakes, and yes, they were OMG.  We bummed around for a while and then headed to Browns Woods for a two-mile hike.  It was beautiful -- and quite a good little workout.  I think we're going to try to head there much more often.

Sunday evening, we had Friend Easter.  BFF made the most delicious dinner of pork tenderloin stuffed with blue cheese and figs, smashed fingerling potatoes with a gremolata, and green beans.  A&E brought scotch-a-roos minus the chocolate, and The Boy and I made Easter Bunny cupcakes (white cupcakes, white frosting, coconut, jelly beans, and Peeps).  Talk about a free day...

But anyway, onto the real post.

For dinner this evening, I adapted Cooking Light's Blackened Tilapia Baja Tacos.

Here's what you'll need (for exact measurements, head on over to Cooking Light):
  • Onion
  • Jalapeno
  • Plain Greek yogurt
  • Cilantro
  • Lime juice
  • Onion
  • Paprika
  • Brown sugar
  • Oregano
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt
  • Cumin
  • Red pepper
  • Tilapia
  • Canola oil
  • Avocado
  • Tortillas (unless you're me and want to save carbs)
  • Limes

First, mix the first four ingredients in a food processor and pour over the onion:

Then, mix all of the spices together in a cute little mini bowl:

Oh for cute.
Now, spread that mixture all over the fish filets and plop them in the cast-iron skillet that has been getting steamy on medium-high heat:

While the fish is cooking, chop up an avocado:

When the fish is done cooking (and if you're not sure if it's done or not, just let The Boy figure it out for you), throw it on a plate, top it with the slaw and sliced avocado, and accompany with a smidge of brown rice and a mound of seasoned Brussels sprouts:

And voila!  You have dinner.

The recipe makes four servings, but I divided my serving into two so that I could a.) maintain my carb/protein requirements for my meal, and b.) have a delicious lunch tomorrow.

Let me know how much you love it!

Again, please like my page on Facebook, follow my fitness and food boards on Pinterest, and be my friend on My Fitness Pal (by searching for emmy815 with the email address of


  1. Yum, that looks delicious! My mom just gave us a whole whack of frozen fish when we were home for Easter so I will have to try this recipe!

  2. We LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Browns Woods! Like, love love! We have been talking about how we can't wait for the weather to get nice enough to take Zion out for a hike...maybe the long loop. :)

    And...we should go together sometime soon too, huh?!
