
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

So, I've Got That Going For Me

When I made my workout plan for this week, I apparently forgot that I had some super-duper long days.

First, I had a tough time falling asleep last night and was up more than I would have liked, probably due to the fact that I had a three-day weekend and naturally (for me) thought I would oversleep when I actually had to wake up at a certain time.  Welcome, Panic Mode and Restless Sleep.

Therefore, when my alarm went off at 4:30 a.m., I immediately reset it for 6:30 and fell back asleep.

Today, I worked (obviously), ran/walked two miles, went tanning (hey, my dermatologist prescribed me "light therapy"), and worked the wrestling meet.  I was able to come home for about 30 minutes to heat up some leftovers and take a quick shower, but other than that, I wasn't home until 8:30.

Tomorrow, my day is going to be quite similar: work, three-hour meeting, bowling.  I will be gone from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.  So, I am already assuming that I will not be working out.  Oh well.

Before anything else, let's look at some pictures:

Chicken Tamale Casserole + Mexican Cole Slaw
This is what I have eaten for the last three non-breakfast meals.  I would say that I wish I were kidding, but I really don't wish that: this meal was that good.

Seriously.  I'm kind of addicted.

For breakfast, I ate my new favorite:

A Yo Lite (today's was Strawberry Rhubarb Pie), one-fourth cup granola (Bare Naked Oats & Honey), one-half cup blackberries, and one scoop vanilla protein powder.

In addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I drank a Chai latte (holy calories - whoops) and ate a bowl of lime and salt popcorn.

Thank you all for your blog suggestions yesterday.  Here's what I'm thinking:

  • Friday Favorites (because I'm obsessed with everyone else's take on this)
  • What I Read/Watched (probably a lot more of the "watching" during the school year)
  • Workouts and Recipes (I should probably post some of those, huh?)
  • Random Musings and Nonstop Sarcasm (like you expected anything less)
  • Cat Pictures (you can all thank my mom for suggesting this)
This is what happened during my three-day weekend.  I didn't wash my hair from Friday morning to Tuesday morning, and you're lucky (well, The Boy was since he's the one I saw) that I showered once a day...usually.
So, I've got that going for me.

Peace out, yo.

1 comment:

  1. That tamale casserole recipe looks DELISH! Definitely making that soon. Thanks for posting!
