
Monday, November 5, 2012

Three-Month Recap

Nothing like a three-month hiatus, huh?

While I should not make excuses for a complete and utter lack of blogging, I am going to anyway.  After all, a list of excuses is a nice way to fill you in on what's been going on lately.  So, here goes:
  • First, I started August with a half marathon in Minneapolis.  I had a blast with the kids and other mentors at the Mall of America, laughed way too much while being smashed in the face with a gooey cookie at Buca di Beppo, and brought out my inner-kid when I slept on an air mattress in a church youth room.  Oh, and ran 13.1 miles for the third (official) time in my life.
  • After a few days of meetings for school, I headed to Cali.  I had an awesome time bumming around, running on the beach, and meeting The Boy's family and friends.
  • After about a week of sunshine, we drove halfway across the country, thereby crossing every single mountain in the entire United States.  Because we were also carting loads of belongings and heavy furniture, this was not an easy endeavor and took quite a bit of time - and gas.  At least it was a pretty trip with some fairly awesome company.
  • The day after we returned to the 515, school started.  Turns out that teaching is a fairly exhausting profession.  It's weird how quickly I forget - and then remember - that tiny fact.
  • After the first week of school, something amazing happened: I officially got a sister-in-law!  The wedding was absolutely beautiful, we had entirely too much fun the entire time, and I could not be happier that Aly is now "for real" stuck with us.
  • After the weekend in Omaha, I took a break from traveling for a while and instead focused on running.  First, I ran the Capital Pursuit 10-mile race; there was a lot of hurting going on, so that one wasn't too fun.  Second, I ran Des Moines' inaugural Color Run; aside from the -50,000,000 degree temperatures and the pre-race six-mile warm-up run, it was a lot of fun (likely because I was running with two of my favorite people).
  •  I was focused so much on running, in fact, that I finally ran a marathon.  I'm not sure I can do those 26.2 miles justice just yet, but suffice it to say that it was a pretty darn difficult race.  But, I finished.  :)
  • And, I just now realized (two weeks after the fact) that in addition to some new bling, I also got a pretty toenail.  And I love it.  You're welcome.

That's all I have for tonight.  It's been a long day, and I need to go crash.  But, hopefully you'll see me again tomorrow.

G'night, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you posted this made my freakin' day! THANK YOU! :)
