
Monday, November 12, 2012

Blogging en Espanol

Just kidding.  I can't write a whole post in Spanish.  Yet.

I know you're all wondering whether or not I was able to crawl out of bed at 4:15 this morning to get my butt kicked at CrossFit.

Go ahead and guess.

If you guessed "yes," you'd be wrong.  It turns out that 4:15 is quite early, especially when the windchill is -800 degrees.

So, instead of working out early, I slept in, stuffed my face with Bruegger's, and went to school.

For lunch, my student teacher and I ordered sushi.  I had a cup of miso soup, two pieces of nigiri, and a house roll.  Hello, sodium!

After stealing several pieces of chocolate from my neighboring teacher, I stayed at school until shortly after 4:00 when I headed home to change and chill for five minutes before trekking to CrossFit.

Today's WOD was crazy.  It was five rounds for time of the following: 15 kettle bell swings, 10 squat-clean-thrusters, and 15 burpees.  When I saw the WOD posted on Facebook last night, I about died.  




But, I managed to "get 'er done" in 22:32.  Since I'm still a newbie and not using the full weights yet, I did 18 pounds for the kettle bell swings and 15 (the bar) for the squat-clean-thrusters.  I think I could've done a bit more for both (especially if we were only doing one or two rounds), but despite the lowered weight, I was dying.

And, drenched in sweat, I headed to Spanish class.  (Did I tell you I'm taking Spanish?  I figure that since The Boy comes from a Spanish-speaking family, I'd better learn the language if I want to communicate effectively.  Also, I live in the United States: it's a pretty important language to know.)

Anyway, halfway through Spanish class, I inhaled a Palmer's salad and a cup of mixed fruit (grapes, cantaloupe, kiwi, apples, honeydew, etc).

(Side note: this weekend, The Boy and I were discussing things that really irk us, specifically table manners.  My major pet peeves were people who eat with their elbow on the table, people who eat before everyone's been served and/or seated, and people who don't take their hat off at the table.  The Boy's was people who eat too fast.  Turns out he does not appreciate the speed-eating that I so greatly honed after years of having no more than 10 minutes to eat lunch at work.  Oops.)

(Another side note: tonight wrapped up the eight-week Spanish course.  While I'm pretty much the rock star, teacher's pet student in class, I feel like the only thing I'm really good at Spanish-wise is talking about my cats.  Charlie es un gato gordo flojo, y Chloe es gris con lineas negras.  Charlie y Chloe son mis gatos.  You're welcome.)

(Yet another side note: I recently got an iPad 2 and realized that it had a camera.  I took three pictures "just to test it out," and I bet you'll never guess what the subjects of those photos are.)

And back to the real blog.

You may have noticed my horrible diet choices scattered throughout this (lengthy) blog post.  I tell you: I have been eating so horribly lately.  First, I am absolutely famished, likely due to the crazy weight-lifting I've been doing lately (and probably because my food choices haven't been the most protein-laden options).  Second, I have been horrible at snacking.  I really haven't been much of a snacker in the last couple of years, but The Boy likes munchies - specifically Flaming Hot Cheetos and Sour Patch Kids (okay, maybe I'm the one who's partial to the SPK).  If we're chilling in front of the TV and he's eating Flaming Hot Cheetos, I probably have my fair share, too.

This needs to end, people.  Now.

Because I'm going out of town shortly and don't want to buy a bunch of perishable things that will likely go to waste (and because I'm going to Vegas and want to eat good food - and then am going to Omaha to chow down on Thanksgiving grub), I have decided a few things:
  1. Operation MyFitnessPal will resume on Monday, November 26th.  I will be documenting - religiously - every morsel that I eat.
  2. I need to drink approximately 18 more gallons of water each day than I already do.
  3. I need to buy healthier "snack" options - which is why I stopped at the grocery store on the way home from Spanish class.
I bought two things.  First, I bought a few chocolate and peanut-butter Clif Builder bars to take to school (and Vegas) with me.  I talked to my sister-in-law on the way out to CrossFit, and she swears by these.  I'm excited to try 'em.

Second, I bought things to make a trail mix:

One of my friends (hey, Emmy Jean!) has made this the two times I've been over to her house in the last couple of weeks.  It's raw almonds, craisins, and chocolate chips.  I threw in an entire bag of Blue Diamond almonds, a whole bag of craisins, and about half a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips.  It is absolutely perfect - and mostly healthy - and just enough "snackie" to make me feel indulgent.

So, while I wait a while longer to pick up The Boy from the airport, I'm going to munch on some trail mix.

And just so you know, the plan is to wake up at 4:15 tomorrow for a morning CrossFit session.  Who wants to make a wager on whether or not I can do it?

Peace out, yo.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we'll have to practice slow eating before Thanksgiving...
