
Monday, April 2, 2012


For the next 30 days, I will be participating in the WEGO Health Activist Writer's Month Challenge by blogging about a predetermined topic each morning.  Please visit to learn more - and please check back each evening for your regularly scheduled programming.

As many of you know, I love, lovelove quotes and find that they can better express what I am feeling, thinking, etc.  In addition, I tend to use quotes as a source of inspiration and motivation, especially regarding exercise and fitness.

And, I am indelibly grateful to Pinterest for allowing me to keep all of those stirring sentiments in one place.  :)

Lately, many of my inspiring fitness quotes have had to do with running.  For example:

In my Bible (The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women), Dawn Dais chronicles her training for the Honolulu Marathon with the Train to End Stroke program.  She ran because her beloved grandfather suffered a massive stroke, and at one point in the book, she talks about how she was running for him just like he would - if he could - run for her.  She also says,

As I sat at the informational meeting and watched three people stand up when they asked if anyone training was a stroke survivor, I realized that there was no turning back.  These people have trouble walking; some have partial paralysis of half their bodies.  Some of them are here to train to walk a marathon.  These people, like my grandfather once did, exert more effort getting dressed in the morning than I, an able-bodied person, do in an entire week.  I owe it to them - and to my grandfather, and mostly to myself - to get off my ass and use this body I take for granted.  And in doing so, I'll show my admiration and respect for those stroke survivors who are training alongside me.

Like Dawn, I know that I am very blessed to have the abilities that I do, even if those are abilities that I take for granted every single day.  And so I run.  After all:

When that day comes when I can no longer run, when I can no longer jump, when I can no longer train, when I can no longer walk, I will want to see people running.  And I will want to smile because of it.

I came across yet another quote that rang true with me as I was surfing Pinterest for the millionth time:

As many of you know, last winter I decided that I was going to run a marathon.  Because (as I have mentioned before) I hated cross country in high school and because the farthest I had run was a 5k, everyone was shocked - myself included.

However, I wholeheartedly believed in the mission and goal of See-Us Run Des Moines, I had seen the amazingly positive effects it had had on the previous year's participants, and I knew my own determination: once I set my mind to something, I will accomplish it (often, regardless of how stupid that may be).

Twenty-six point two miles is, however, daunting.  And as our mileage began creeping up and up and up, I continued to doubt my abilities: I can't even run four miles without walking - how am I supposed to run 26.2?!  But, I persevered.

And on race day, despite raging tendonitis in my foot and in my hamstring, I ran.  While I was physically unable to complete the full marathon due to those injuries, I ran (stupidly) the half marathon.

Because I started that race, I was undoubtedly going to finish.  And like John Bingham said, the miracle wasn't that I crossed that finish line, but that I had the courage to take those first steps.

And I am indelibly grateful that I did.

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