
Saturday, March 17, 2012


I realize that I haven't posted since Tuesday, and that wasn't even a remarkable post but rather just a goofy photo of a cat.  (Don't worry: today's crazy-cat-lady picture is coming at the end of this post.)  But when I look back on the week I've had, it's been insane!

First, Wednesday was a normal Wednesday of teaching from 7:40-12:30, followed by a meeting until about 1:45, followed by parent-teacher conferences from 4:00-8:00.

I look like a real professional.  :)

After conferences, I headed out a with a good friend/colleague who received some not-so-great news, and I did damage control we talked it out over tequila and beer.

On Thursday, I fully intended to run four miles, but...that didn't happen.  Instead, I slept in and kind of lounged around before heading to parent teacher conferences from 12:15-8:00.

Interestingly, this is probably going to be my St. Patty's Day outfit as well - minus the yellow heels, plus some black flats.

After conferences, I headed out with some of my good work friends, including ERB, my running buddy.  I wasn't going to go because I knew how busy my Friday was going to be and I kind of just wanted to go to sleep, but I'm so glad I did: we had entirely too much fun.

Yesterday, I headed out to the nail salon and - just as I suspected - was there for the majority of the morning.  I love, love, love this place because they always do the absolute best, but they are not super speedy.  Check out my new nails:

They are peach polish topped with glitter tips, a la this inspiration from Pinterest:

I think it probably looks better with gray polish, but I. love. it.

Right when I got home I went out on a 4.5-mile run with HLM and my friend Amber.  It was a run-walk, which I was totally okay with, especially since it was approximately 8,000 degrees out and we didn't have any water.  The lack of hydration wasn't bad at first, but by mile three, I was dying.  And because it's March and supposed to be freezing rather than steaming, none of the water fountains downtown were on.


But it was a beautiful, beautiful day.

After the run and a quick lunch at Star Bar (where I had French fries!!! Apparently I forgot that I'm going to be in a bikini tomorrow!), I took a quick nap and then ran some errands.

BFF came over with dinner and helped me pack - along with this little guy:

I'm so glad she was here to help.  I think half of my closet would've been packed otherwise.

So now I'm all ready for the Bahamas.  And I can't wait.  We leave tomorrow at 6:30 a.m for the airport and should be lounging with an umbrella drink in hand by 4:00 p.m.


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