
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tutus and Tiaras

I have to say that I wish it were socially acceptable for me to dress like this on a daily basis:


How stinkin' cute are they?  I may have just spent the better part of a half an hour watching every single one of their clips on You Tube.

It's so weird that I'm single.

Now let's get to the meat of today's post: today!

This morning I woke up bright and early at 6:45 and grabbed a peach Chobani and a handful of bran cereal before heading to work.  I scarfed those down for breakfast and then ate a cup of fresh fruit salad for a mid-morning snack.

Clearly, my morning was lacking in protein.  And I was starving by lunch.

A friend and I sped to Palmer's on our lunch break, and I picked up another salad.  I'd show you a picture, but you can just click back to yesterday's post since it was the exact same thing.  The egg and turkey really helped fill me up - and cemented the fact that protein is, in fact, quite important.

I stayed at school until about 4:00 working with students on last-minute assignments, quizzes, and projects.  Then, I headed to Americana (my new favorite restaurant in Des Moines) for our monthly PPYL social.  It was a great time.  I really love the people in the group and enjoy getting to know them more and more as time goes on.  It's a fabulous bunch of people who are doing amazing things for our community - and I'm so thankful I'm a part of the organization.

Today, I ordered a couple of drinks that I sipped on while chugging gallons of water:

Strawberry Bitch and Elderflower Spritz
The Strawberry Bitch is my go-to at Americana: New Amsterdam gin, prosecco, lemon juice, simple syrup, and strawberry cordial.  I absolutely hate gin (because I think it tastes like Christmas trees), but this drink is really tasty.

And, you get to cuss when you order it.

The Elderflower Spritz was new for me this evening, and I think it'll be my new favorite: brut champagne, St. Germain, club soda, lemon wheels.  It was so light and refreshing - a perfect patio drink.

For dinner, I ordered a couple of things:

The hummus platter was only $5 (great happy hour specials) and included toasted pita chips along with whipped (I think) feta, a red-pepper hummus, a kalamata olive tapenade, and toasted (?) chickpeas.  I ate about half of this and then took home the rest to throw on top of a salad for lunch tomorrow.

I also ordered half of the pomegranate salad.  While it looks healthy because it's, oh, salad, I'm guessing it packed quite the caloric punch.  The base was a mix of spinach and arugula, topped with fresh strawberries, candied walnuts, shallots, and goat cheese.  The dressing was a pomegranate vinaigrette.

Side note: "vinaigrette" is the most difficult word ever for me to spell.  I probably write it at least two or three times a week for this blog and still cannot spell it correctly on my own.

But I digress.

Like I was saying, I'm pretty sure the salad had a lot higher calorie count than I initially thought because there was way too much dressing, and it was way too sweet.  I can't believe I forgot to ask for it on the side.  Oops.  Also, candied walnuts?!  Come on, Emily: duh.

Oh well: it was tasty.

I didn't workout today, believe it or not.  Today was - as Thursdays usually are - scheduled as my rest day.  And I was thankful for that.  I think I've been overdoing it a bit lately, and I needed a break.  In fact, I didn't even do Fab Ab February today - but am planning on doing it tomorrow before work (with tomorrow's workout being pushed to after school).  And if my shins aren't feeling better tomorrow, I believe I'll be taking my scheduled three miles down to one or two, and then maybe add in an extra run this weekend.

I have to say that I'm really excited tomorrow is Friday.  I have been absolutely exhausted the last couple of days.  Like, I got home at 7:30 tonight and contemplated heading straight to bed.  Luckily, I was distracted by Sophia Grace and Rosie and then decided to blog.

You're welcome.

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