
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday, Blistery Sunday

As predicted last night, I was asleep shortly after blogging - which means that I fell asleep in the middle of this week's Grey's Anatomy (courtesy of Hulu) for the second time.  Oh well.  Third time's a charm, right?

Because I did nothing but eat and sleep yesterday, I woke up bright and early at 7:30 and headed out for a four-mile run.  It was a bit chilly but overall an absolutely beautiful morning.

I guess it doesn't look super beautiful from this photo, but I kind of like the look of the city from this angle.  The streets were empty because it was early on a Sunday, the Principal building is peeking from behind the trees, and it just looks so urban.  I love Des Moines.
I wore my tights and a dry-fit long-sleeved shirt, and I was just perfect.

However, it was not a great run.  I think my activity from yesterday (nothing but eating and sleeping, remember?) was definitely a negative.  Also, I'm working on yet another headache.  And, I wore my minimalist shoes with my inserts this time, hoping to prevent shin splints.  They definitely worked for the shin splints since I'm not hurting too horribly, but I developed yet another problem:

(Beautiful ring from Stella & Dot!)
That beautiful blister developed around mile 1.5, and I stopped a few times to try and fix it.  First, I took the insert out of my right shoe.  It felt a million times better.

But then I was off balance since one of my legs was shorter than the other.

I figured that a blister was better than orthopedic issues, so I put the insert back in - which, obviously, aggravated the blister more.

So, I spent the second half of the "run" alternating between jogging and walking.  I cranked out 4.25 miles in about 51 minutes (walking the last fourth of a mile), which I guess isn't too bad, but it just didn't feel good - especially after last week's long run.

Oh well.

After my run, I quickly showered and got ready because my parents were coming to town!!!

When they got here, we (and my sister, her boyfriend, and BFF) headed to my favorite restaurant in Des Moines - Americana - for their Bombshell Brunch.  It was so, so good.  I had a sampling of the following: macaroni and cheese, biscuits and gravy, bacon, waffle bread pudding, sweet potatoes, pineapple and watermelon, granola and plain yogurt, crepes, and that may have been it.  Needless to say, I was stuffed.

After brunch, we walked around the Sculpture Garden for a bit and then called it a day.  It was such a wonderful morning.

Me and my pops - courtesy of my mom
I hope this picture made you think of this song.
I know Omaha is only two hours away, but I wish I lived closer to my parents so that I could see them more often.

Now, I'm off to start the rest of my day.  On the agenda: run errands (grocery store, Target, maybe Old Navy), grade some papers, cook "family" dinner (get excited: it's gonna be good), and watch the Academy Awards.

Oh, and maybe a nap thrown in there as well.  :)

See you tonight!


  1. I was all prepared for something like "Butterfly Kisses" - I burst out laughing when I clicked on your link!

  2. Oh, I'm so glad you got to spend time with your parents. Mine visited for the afternoon too yesterday. Isn't it so nice to just SPEND TIME with them~ catch up, tell them everything, get a bit of advice, hear what they're doing with their carefree, no-kids at home kind of days? Sorry to hear about the blister, though, YOUCH! Have a great week, friend.
