
Monday, February 13, 2012

Muscle Exhaustion

Today wore. me. out.

It started way too early this morning - or maybe "family" dinner was just a bit too fun and the Grammy's went just a little too late last night.

I woke up and put on my brand-new outfit:

(Don't worry: I fixed my hair after this photo.  It looked way too stupid.)

I bought this jacket, tanktop, and heels this weekend.  I love all of those pieces and want to wear them pretty much everyday.  In fact, I am thinking about getting the tank in more colors.  It's so cute - and a size medium!

Unfortunately, I had to switch my shoes as soon as I looked outside.  Apparently it had snowed overnight - and was still snowing when I was about to leave - and super-cute heels were just not going to cut it.

I ventured out onto the skating rink of Des Moines streets and headed to La Mie to meet my friend/colleague/co-facilitator of today's all-day meeting.  She was already there prepping and had ordered this delicious breakfast:

But she wasn't going to eat it!  She offered it to me, and of course I said, heck yes!  I love yogurt, fruit, and granola, especially when they're all mixed together!  I inhaled the meal, and then we headed north to Ankeny for our CIML English meeting.

It was a very productive, enlightening meeting, and much, much better than I had anticipated.

Aside from a food-ordering fiasco (um, I forgot to press the "place order" button and had ten people staring at me when the food was supposed to have arrived), the day went really well.

And don't worry: we eventually got lunch.  Jimmy John's.  A 530-calorie sandwich (Beach Club, no mayo).  Ugh.

After the meeting, I sped down I-80 (thankfully the roads had gotten much better) to my oil change.  It was the first oil change since I bought this car, and surprise!  It was free!

Bub - the service manager - totally made my day.

I spent about a half an hour at the dealership getting caught up on all of my Words With Friends games, and then I headed to the gym.  Today was the first day of no boot camp for me, so I almost didn't know what to do with myself.  Good thing I made my workout/meal schedule yesterday!

I hit up a Y Pump class where we killed our quads with squats, our hamstrings with resistance bands, our biceps with the bar, triceps and pectorals with dumbbell extensions and curls, abs with boat pose leg extensions, and lower backs with Supermans.  As if that 45 minutes wasn't enough, I headed upstairs for a little cross-training on the elliptical - 30 minutes.  Finally, I finished off the evening with my Fab Ab February routine: 45 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and a 35-second plank.

I can barely move.  My muscles are exhausted.

Finally, at 6:30 p.m., I headed home for the day.  I made a poor decision and popped a cookie-dough ball.  I mean, they're just staring at me from the table.  And they're so good.  And I was so hungry.

So, that was my appetizer.

The main course was another helping of Shrimp & Crab Gumbo:

Apparently this is only 221 calories per serving.  I guess that makes sense since the bulk of it is vegetables, but wow.  That makes me happy.

So happy, in fact, that I may inhale another cookie-dough ball before I go to bed.  Or, I may exhibit self-control.

I bet we all know how this will turn out.

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